Reference:Joomla System Plugin Specification

From Joomla! Documentation

Joomla! System Plugin Specification[edit]

1. Overview and Description[edit]

System bots are used for core interaction with Joomla. Examples of these types of bots are SEF or Joomfish related bots. There are currently two triggers available:

onBeforeStart\\ onAfterStart\\

2. Implementation[edit]

The implementation code used in this specification guide comes from the sef url systembot from the Joomla distribution

2.1 onBeforeStart[edit]

* Converting the site URL to fit to the HTTP request
function botJoomlaSEFUrl( ) {
	global $task, $sectionid, $id, $Itemid, $limit, $limitstart, $database, $mod_rewrite_off;

	$mod_rewrite_off = 0;
	if ($GLOBALS['mosConfig_sef']) {
	  //do sef related stuff


2.1.1 Description[edit]

The onBeforeStart function is called before anything else in Joomla the only thing available at this point is the mainframe class and the database class.

2.1.2 Parameters[edit]


2.1.3 Return Value[edit]


2.2. onAfterStart[edit]

 * Detects a 'visit'
 * This function updates the agent and domain table hits for a particular
 * visitor.  The user agent is recorded/incremented if this is the first visit.
 * A cookie is set to mark the first visit.
function botDetectVisitor() {
	global $database, $mainframe;

	if ( mosGetParam( $_COOKIE, 'mosvisitor', 0 ) || !$mainframe->isSite() ) {

	//do other things

2.2.1 Description[edit]

The onAfterStart function is called after core variables in Joomla are loaded, but before the actual page content is loaded.

2.2.2 Parameters[edit]


2.2.3 Return Value[edit]




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