

From Joomla! Documentation

(Redirected from Screen.newsfeeds.edit.15)

How to Access[edit]

Navigate to the the News Feed Manager. To add a new News Feed, click the "New" icon in the toolbar. To edit an existing News Feed, click the News Feed's Name, or check the News Feed's checkbox and press the "Edit" icon in the toolbar.


This is where you add a new News Feed or edit an existing one. Note that you need to create at least one News Feed Category before you can create your first News Feed.


News feed edit.png


  • Name. The Name of the News Feed. This field is required.
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Last edit by JoomlaWikiBot (talk · contrib) · Last edited on Sun, 05 Aug 2012 03:20:54 +0000

  • Published. Whether or not this item is published. Select Yes or No from the radio button group to set the Published state for this item.
  • Category. Category for this News Feed. Select from the drop-down list box of News Feed Categories. Note that News Feed Categories are separate from other Categories, such as those for Articles, Contacts, Banners, and Web Links.
  • Link. The link of this News Feed. This should normally begin with "http://".
  • Number of Articles. Enter the number of articles from the feed which will be available to your users. The default is 5.
  • Cache Time. The number of seconds to keep a News Feed saved on your server before it is downloaded again. The default value is 3600 seconds, which is 1 hour. When a News Feed is cached locally, your server only has to read the News Feed periodically (in this case, once per hour). A longer cache time means that you will have less network traffic and your site will load a little bit faster, but it also means your News Feed will be more out-of-date.
  • Order. Indicates the order of this News Feed in the News Feed Manager. The default Order is to add the item to the end of the list. To select a different position, use the drop-down list box. This item will moved to the position just after the item selected from the drop-down list. Note that the Order in which the News Feeds are displayed can also be changed in the News Feed Manager.
  • RTL Feed. Check this box if the feed is right-to-left. This is for languages that read right-to-left.


At the top right you will see the toolbar:

Section edit toolbar.png

The functions are:

  • Save. Save it and return to editing the menu details.
  • Apply. Save it, but stay in the same screen. If you have been working on a screen for a long time and don't want to risk losing your work, pressing Apply saves your work and lets you continue working. If, for example, you lost your Internet connection, your work will be saved up this point.
  • Close. Return to the previous screen without saving your work. If you press Close while adding a new item, this new item will not be created. If you were modifying an existing item, the modifications will not be saved.
  • Help. Opens this Help Screen.

Quick Tips[edit]

  • A News Feed category must be added before any News Feed can be created.

Related Information[edit]