User contributions
- 08:49, 3 June 2015 diff hist +8 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "Build : Skriv här den/de version(er) som berörs av problemet"
- 08:49, 3 June 2015 diff hist +63 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/14/sv Created page with "Build : Skriv här den/de version(er) som berörs av problemet" current
- 08:48, 3 June 2015 diff hist +12 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "Priority : Använd som standard "Medium", utom om du kan koden tillräckligt för att göra ett annat val."
- 08:48, 3 June 2015 diff hist +154 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/13/sv Created page with "Priority : Använd som standard "Medium", utom om du kan koden tillräckligt för att göra ett annat val." current
- 08:46, 3 June 2015 diff hist +6 Filing bugs and issues/sv
- 08:46, 3 June 2015 diff hist +6 Translations:Filing bugs and issues/12/sv current
- 08:46, 3 June 2015 diff hist +6 Filing bugs and issues/sv
- 08:46, 3 June 2015 diff hist +6 Translations:Filing bugs and issues/12/sv
- 08:46, 3 June 2015 diff hist -20 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "Fyll i så mycket data du kan. Du kan aktivera tips för varje fält genom att växla "View Mode" på höger sida från Pro till Help."
- 08:46, 3 June 2015 diff hist +134 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/12/sv Created page with "Fyll i så mycket data du kan. Du kan aktivera tips för varje fält genom att växla "View Mode" på höger sida från Pro till Help."
- 08:45, 3 June 2015 diff hist -12 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "En ny sida visas och ju mer information du lämnar, desto enklare blir det för utvecklarna."
- 08:45, 3 June 2015 diff hist +92 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/11/sv Created page with "En ny sida visas och ju mer information du lämnar, desto enklare blir det för utvecklarna." current
- 08:44, 3 June 2015 diff hist -9 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "En serie filter visar tracker-posterna och kan nås genom att klicka på knappen "Search Tools" i toppen på listan. Genom att föra muspekaren över tracker-posternas rubrike..."
- 08:44, 3 June 2015 diff hist +304 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/10/sv Created page with "En serie filter visar tracker-posterna och kan nås genom att klicka på knappen "Search Tools" i toppen på listan. Genom att föra muspekaren över tracker-posternas rubrike..." current
- 08:38, 3 June 2015 diff hist +33 Filing bugs and issues/sv
- 08:38, 3 June 2015 diff hist +33 Translations:Filing bugs and issues/2/sv current
- 08:37, 3 June 2015 diff hist +1 Filing bugs and issues/sv
- 08:37, 3 June 2015 diff hist +1 Translations:Filing bugs and issues/2/sv
- 08:03, 3 June 2015 diff hist +1 Joomla info page/sv-SE current
- 16:56, 30 May 2015 diff hist -1 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "=== Använd Joomla! problem-tracker. ==="
- 16:56, 30 May 2015 diff hist +40 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/3/sv Created page with "=== Använd Joomla! problem-tracker. ===" current
- 16:53, 30 May 2015 diff hist -11 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "== Rapportera fel == === Registrera ett konto på GitHub === Du behöver registrera ett konto på [|GitHub]; Joomla! problem-tracker använder GitHub för au..."
- 16:53, 30 May 2015 diff hist +187 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/2/sv Created page with "== Rapportera fel == === Registrera ett konto på GitHub === Du behöver registrera ett konto på [|GitHub]; Joomla! problem-tracker använder GitHub för au..."
- 16:17, 30 May 2015 diff hist +6 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "Inaktiv - vänligen använd den nya Joomla! Issue-trackern"
- 16:17, 30 May 2015 diff hist +58 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/6/sv Created page with "Inaktiv - vänligen använd den nya Joomla! Issue-trackern" current
- 16:17, 30 May 2015 diff hist +11 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "=== Kontrollera för att se om felet du vill rapportera redan är rapporterat. ==="
- 16:17, 30 May 2015 diff hist +82 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/9/sv Created page with "=== Kontrollera för att se om felet du vill rapportera redan är rapporterat. ===" current
- 16:16, 30 May 2015 diff hist +1 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "Stängd"
- 16:16, 30 May 2015 diff hist +7 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/8/sv Created page with "Stängd" current
- 16:16, 30 May 2015 diff hist -1 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "Inaktiv"
- 16:16, 30 May 2015 diff hist +7 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/7/sv Created page with "Inaktiv" current
- 16:15, 30 May 2015 diff hist +7 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "Inaktiv - vänligen använd den nya Joomla! Issue-trackern"
- 16:15, 30 May 2015 diff hist +58 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/5/sv Created page with "Inaktiv - vänligen använd den nya Joomla! Issue-trackern" current
- 16:15, 30 May 2015 diff hist -1 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "Aktiv"
- 16:15, 30 May 2015 diff hist +5 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/4/sv Created page with "Aktiv" current
- 16:10, 30 May 2015 diff hist -1 Filing bugs and issues/sv
- 16:10, 30 May 2015 diff hist -1 Translations:Filing bugs and issues/1/sv current
- 16:07, 30 May 2015 diff hist -10 Joomla info page/sv-SE
- 16:00, 30 May 2015 diff hist +3 Filing bugs and issues/sv
- 16:00, 30 May 2015 diff hist +3 Translations:Filing bugs and issues/1/sv
- 15:52, 30 May 2015 diff hist +52 Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "För att kunna "'rapportera en bugg'" i Joomla! bug-tracker, behöver du skapa ett tracker item. När ett tracker-objekt är skapat, kommer utvecklarna att kontrollera giltig..."
- 15:52, 30 May 2015 diff hist +379 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/1/sv Created page with "För att kunna "'rapportera en bugg'" i Joomla! bug-tracker, behöver du skapa ett tracker item. När ett tracker-objekt är skapat, kommer utvecklarna att kontrollera giltig..."
- 15:45, 30 May 2015 diff hist +9,870 N Filing bugs and issues/sv Created page with "Rapportera buggar och problem"
- 15:45, 30 May 2015 diff hist +29 N Translations:Filing bugs and issues/Page display title/sv Created page with "Rapportera buggar och problem" current
- 15:33, 30 May 2015 diff hist +18 Joomla info page/sv-SE
- 14:41, 30 May 2015 diff hist +29 Joomla info page/sv-SE
- 14:38, 30 May 2015 diff hist -16 Joomla info page/sv-SE
- 14:16, 30 May 2015 diff hist -4 Joomla info page/sv-SE
- 16:43, 31 May 2014 diff hist +10 Chunk:Component/sv Created page with "Joomla! levereras med ett antal centrala komponenter, såsom innehållshanteringssystem, kontaktformulär och webblänkar."
- 16:43, 31 May 2014 diff hist +122 N Translations:Chunk:Component/3/sv Created page with "Joomla! levereras med ett antal centrala komponenter, såsom innehållshanteringssystem, kontaktformulär och webblänkar." current