
Extensions Template Manager Templates Edit

From Joomla! Documentation

This screen is accessed from the back-end Joomla! administrator panel. It is used to edit template master files and associated stylesheets.

How to Access[edit]

Navigate to the Template Manager: Templates screen. To edit a template, click on the templates's name.


This is where you edit a template's source code. You can edit the template's master files and stylesheets from this screen.


Help25-extensions-template manager-templates-edit.png

Details and Options[edit]

Template Description[edit]

Shows a screenshot of the template and a description of the template

Template Master Files[edit]

  • Edit main page template. The primary file used for the template's layout.
  • Edit error page template. The template layout for the site's error pages.
  • Edit error offline template. The template layout for the site's offline pages.
  • Edit print view template. The template layout for the site's print view function.


This section contains all of the template's editable stylesheets. Click on a stylesheet's name to edit its source code.

Copy Template[edit]

Allows the template to be copied and renamed.


At the top right you will see the toolbar:


The functions are:

  • Cancel/Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.

Quick Tips[edit]

  • Before editing the HTML and the CSS file of the template, it is a good idea to make a backup of the file you are editing. Also, you can edit these files outside of Joomla! using the HTML or CSS editor of your choice.

Related Information[edit]