Menus Menu Item Newsfeed Single Newsfeed
From Joomla! Documentation
Used to show one News Feed in the Frontend of the site. The News Feed is selected from the list of News Feeds created in New/Edit News Feeds.
How to Access[edit]
Add a new menu item 'Single News Feed'
- Select Menus → [name of the menu] → Add New Menu Item from the dropdown menu of the Administrator Panel
- Select News Feeds → Single News Feed in the modal popup window.
Edit an existing menu item 'Single News Feed'
- Click on the menu item's Title in Menu items.
Form Fields[edit]
- Menu Title. The title that will display for this menu item.
- Alias. The internal name of the menu item. Normally, you can leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value. The default value is the Title in lower case and with dashes instead of spaces. You may enter the Alias manually. Learn more about Aliases.
- Menu Item Type. The Menu Item Type selected when this menu item was created. This can be one of the core menu item types or a menu item type provided by an installed extension.
- Feed. This field holds the news feed to be shown in this layout.
- Link. The system-generated link for this menu item. This field cannot be changed and is for information only.
- Target Window. This determines how the new page will be opened. Options are:
- Parent: Open new menu item in parent window. This is the default.
- New Window With Navigation: Open menu item in a new window with full browser navigation (for example, "back" button).
- New Without Navigation: Open menu item in a new window without browser navigation.
- Template Style. Controls the template style for this menu item. A list box will show the available template styles for your site.
- - Use Default -: Use the default style for the site to show this menu item.
- [Template Style]: Select a specific template style to always show this menu item with that style.
- Menu. Shows which menu the menu item will appear in.
- Parent Item. The parent menu item for this menu item. Used to determine whether a Menu Item is a top-level item or a submenu item.
- Menu Item Root: Select the default value if this is a top-level Menu Item.
- [menu item title]: Select the Menu Item that is this menu item's parent.
- Ordering. Indicates the order of this Menu Item in the Menu. The default Order is to add the Menu Item to the end of the Menu. This Menu Item will moved to the order position just after the Menu Item selected from the dropdown list. Note: The Order can also be changed in Menu Items.
- Status. (Published/Unpublished/Trashed) The published status of the menu item.
- Default Page. (Yes/No) If Yes, this menu item is the default or home page for the site. There must be exactly one menu item set as the default page. You can change the default page in 2 ways:
- Click on the Home column of the desired menu item in Menu Items.
- Open the menu item for the new default page and change the Default Page setting to Yes.
- Access. Who has access to this menu item.
- Public: Everyone has access.
- Guest: Everyone has access.
- Registered: Only registered users have access.
- Special: Only users with author status or higher have access.
- Super Users: Only super users have access.
- Language. Select the language for this menu item. If you are not using the multi-language feature of Joomla, keep the default of All.
- Note. Menu item note. This is normally for the site administrator's use (for example, to document information about this menu item) and does not show in the Frontend of the site.
Feed Display Options[edit]
The Single News Feed Layout has the following Feed Display Options, as shown below.
In addition to Yes/No or Hide/Show, these options allow the "Use Global" setting. This uses the default value from News Feeds Options.
The Feed Display Options are as follows.
- Feed Image. (Use Global/Show/Hide) Show or hide the feed image.
- Feed Description. (Use Global/Show/Hide) Show or hide the feed description text.
- Feed Content. (Use Global/Show/Hide) Show or hide the feed content.
- Show Tags. (Use Global/Show/Hide) Show or hide the tags for a news feed.
- Characters Count. (Use Global) The maximum number of characters to display for each feed. This is a way to limit the size of the feed. '0' will show all the text.
- Feed Display Order. (Use Global/Most Recent First/Oldest First) The order in which to show the feeds.
Link Type[edit]
- Link Title Attribute. An optional, custom description for the title attribute of the menu hyperlink.
- Link Class. An optional class to apply to the menu hyperlink.
- Link Image. Select an image to use with 'Menu Title'. Use 'Add Menu Title' set to No to show just image.
- Image Class. The class which is added to the image (src tag).
- Add Menu Title. (Yes/No) If optional image is selected, shows a 'Menu Title' next to image.
- Display in Menu. (Yes/No) Select No if you want to exclude this menu item from displaying in the menu.Note: Any submenu items will also be hidden.
Page Display[edit]
- Browser Page Title. Optional text for the "Browser page title" element. If blank, a default value is used based on the Menu Item Title.
- Show Page Heading. (Use Global/Yes/No). Show or hide the Browser Page Title in the heading of the page (If no optional text entered - will default to value based on the Menu Item Title). The Page heading is usually displayed inside the H1 tag.
- Page Heading. Optional alternative text for the Page heading.
- Page Class. Optional CSS class to add to elements in this page. This allows CSS styling specific to this page.
- Meta Description. An optional paragraph to be used as the description of the page in the HTML output. This will generally display in the results of search engines. If entered, this creates an HTML meta element with a name attribute of "description" and a content attribute equal to the entered text.
- Meta Keywords. Optional entry for keywords. Must be entered separated by commas (for example, "cats, dogs, pets") and may be entered in upper or lower case. (For example, "CATS" will match "cats" or "Cats").Learn more about Meta Keywords.
- Robots. The instructions for web "robots" that browse to this page.
- Use Global: Use the value from the Metadata Settings.
- index, follow: Index this page and follow the links on this page.
- noindex, follow: Do not index this page, but still follow the links on the page. For example, you might do this for a site map page where you want the links to be indexed but you don't want this page to show in search engines.
- index, nofollow: Index this page, but do not follow any links on the page. For example, you might want to do this for an events calendar, where you want the page to show in search engines but you do not want to index each event.
- noindex, nofollow: Do not index this page or follow any links on the page.
- Secure. Whether or not to use SSL and the Secure Site URL for this page.
- Off: Do not use SSL.
- On: Use SSL.
- Ignore: Ignore this setting and use the global setting for the site.
Module Assignment[edit]
- Unassigned Modules. (Show/Hide) Show or hide modules unassigned to this menu item.
- Unpublished Modules. (Show/Hide) Show or hide modules that are unpublished.
At the top left you will see the toolbar.
The functions are:
- Save. Saves the menu item and stays in the current screen.
- Save & Close. Saves the menu item and closes the current screen.
- Save & New. Saves the menu item and keeps the editing screen open and ready to create another menu item.
- Save as Copy. Saves your changes to a copy of the current menu item. Does not affect the current menu item.Note: This toolbar icon is only shown if you edit an existing menu item.
- Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made.
- Help. Opens this help screen.
Quick Tips[edit]
You can set the News Feed options in 2 places.
- In News Feeds Options you can set the default value for all categories.
- In Edit A Newsfeeds Category you can set a value for a specific category. If this is set, it overrides the default value.
Related Information[edit]
Help Screens[edit]
Component | Description |
News Feeds |
Provides an overview of the News Feeds from other sites available on a Joomla site. The screen is used to find, add, edit and delete News Feeds from other sites. |
News Feeds Edit |
This is where you can
Categories |
Provides an overview of the News Feeds Categories available on a Joomla site. The screen is used to find, add, edit and delete News Feeds Categories. |
Categories Edit |
This is where you can
Options |
News Feed Options configuration allows setting of parameters used globally for all news feeds. |
Menu Items | Description |
Categories |
Used to show a list of all News Feed Categories. Categories are shown in a hierarchical list. |
Category |
Used to show all News Feeds belonging to a specific Category in a list layout. |
Single News Feed (this screen) |
Used to show one News Feed in the Frontend of the site. |