Migration Step by Step Self Assessment

From Joomla! Documentation

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Need to migrate? Unsure if you have the technical skills to do it on your own?

Answer the questions below honestly to assess your skills. Track how many questions you answer “yes” or “no” to. When complete, count how many you answered “yes” to and how many you answered “no” to on a piece of paper.

Take a Self Assessment[edit]

Questions for self assessment for average websites:


Are you comfortable accessing your hosting account Control Panel?

Are you comfortable working in your hosting account Control Panel File Manager?

Are you comfortable working with FTP or SFTP?

Can you create subdomains or subdirectories from your hosting account Control Panel?


Are you comfortable making changes directly to your database (either through a graphical interface or database queries)?

Are you comfortable creating databases and database users from your hosting account Control Panel?

Are you able to access your database from your hosting account Control Panel (via PHPMyAdmin or other type of graphical database interface)?

Backup and Restore[edit]

Can you backup your website?

Can you restore your website?

Joomla Administration[edit]

Do you update your instance(s) of Joomla regularly (security updates/bug fixes)?

Do you update any third-party extensions regularly?

Have you ever installed a third-party extension on your website?

Have you ever configured a third-party component on your website?

Do you know what extensions are installed and in use on your website?

Review Your Answers[edit]

If you answered YES to at least ten (10) of the fourteen (14) questions above, you should be able to upgrade/migrate your own site to Joomla 4.x. If you answered NO to four (4) or more questions above, you may become frustrated with upgrading/migrating your site to Joomla 4.x. It is recommended you seek assistance from one in the Migration category of the Joomla! Service Providers Directory.

You owe it to yourself to honestly assess your skills. If you don’t know how to perform the above functions, you will have difficulty and it will be time consuming to follow the step-by-step instructions to migrate/update your website to Joomla 4.x.

Passed Your Self Assessment?[edit]

More complex questions to ask yourself one at a time:

  1. Do you have custom or uniquely modified extensions (components, modules or plugins) installed on your site?
    • If so, did you write them yourself?
      • If you wrote them yourself, you should be able to migrate your site to Joomla 4.x.
      • If you have custom extensions or highly customized third-party extensions that you did not write yourself, it is recommended you seek assistance from a coder/programmer to migrate/convert your extension to work with Joomla 4.x as well as a migration path to move the data from the extension from Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.x to Joomla 4.x if applicable. See the extension development category of the Joomla! Service Providers Directory or contact the developer that wrote it for you.
  2. Do you have a custom template installed on your website?
    • If so, did you build it yourself?
      • If you built it yourself, you should be able to migrate your site to Joomla 4.x.
      • If you have a custom template that you did not write yourself, and you are not planning to replace it with a template that is Joomla 4.x ready, it is recommended that you seek assistance from a template developer to migrate/convert your extension to work with Joomla 4.x. See the template development category of the Joomla! Service Providers Directory or contact the developer that built it for you.
  3. Do you have constantly changing data (user data) on your website?
    • Some websites have a lot of user data that gets added to a website on a consistent basis (forums, users, shopping carts, etc.). This means that while you are in the process of migrating the site, new content from website visitors/users will be added that will need to be transferred to your development site before going live. Some extension developers give instructions for this. Other times, you will need to know some MySQL functions in order to proceed.
  4. Do you feel comfortable working in MySQL to add data?
  5. Do you have any extensions ( components, modules or plugins ) on your current site that have not been ported to Joomla 4?
    • Some extensions that were fully functioning for Joomla 1.5 or 2.5 were discontinued and are not compatible with Joomla 4.x.
    • If the functionality is still important to your site, you will need to do some research to find replacement extensions and be comfortable with making configuration changes in those extensions. If you feel comfortable doing this, you may be able to migrate your own website to Joomla 4.x. If not, it is recommended you seek assistance from one in the Migration category of the Joomla! Service Providers Directory.