Upgrading 1.6.5 to 1.7
From Joomla! Documentation
Updating Joomla! 1.6 Intro[edit]
Joomla! 1.7 introduces a Quick Update for sites already up-to-date with Joomla 1.6.5 or 1.6.6.
If your site is not already at 1.6.5 or 1.6.6, or you prefer not to use the Quick Update, there are several other options shown here. Click the 'tab' of the method you would like to use for updating your Joomla 1.6 web site.
If you are not currently on Joomla! 1.6.5/1.6.6, use Upgrading 1.6 from an existing 1.6x version to update your site to 1.6.5/1.6.6, then resume the process of updating to 1.7
- OR
If you are still using Joomla! 1.5, please see these instructions:
Quick Update[edit]
For sites already up-to-date running Joomla 1.6.5, upgrading to Joomla 1.7 is now very easy.
Before you begin:
- Check that all installed extensions are compatible with Joomla 1.7 by checking the JED Listing or developer site.
- Backup the website files and database.
1. In the Administrator, select the Extensions-Extensions Manager Menu item.
2. Click the Update Sub menu.
3. Click the Purge Cache, then Find Updates Buttons in the Button Bar located in the upper right of the page.
4. Click the checkbox to the left of the Joomla line containing the latest Version Number and, next, press the Update Button in the Button Bar.
Be patient while the system downloads and replaces the necessary files. This can take several minutes or could update very quickly, depending on your system.
5. When the update has finished, you will be presented with this page.
That's it! Follow these simple instructions next time you upgrade. Now, it's to keep your Joomla website up-to-date and safe!
Update using the Installation Manager[edit]
If you are not currently on Joomla! 1.6.5/1.6.6, use Upgrading 1.6 from an existing 1.6x version to update your site to 1.6.5/1.6.6, then resume the process of updating to 1.7 |
If you aren’t yet comfortable with using the Update Manager to update your site, you’re still ok! There are more easy options to update your site. The second method to update your Joomla! 1.6.5/1.6.6 site to 1.7.0 is to use the extension installer, just as if you were installing a component, module, plugin, or template in your site. This method is specially handy for users updating localized distributions made available by Language Communities.
To update your site using this method, first, download the update package from JoomlaCode (or your language Community Site). The 1.6.5/1.6.6 > 1.7.0 package can be found here.
After you download the update package, access your Joomla! installer by logging in to your administrator control panel, and navigating to the Extensions > Extension Manager option in your administrator menu. From here you can select the file you just downloaded, and install it. The Joomla! installer will upload the package, and install it, making any changes to files AND the database as needed.
Manual Update - Uploading[edit]
The last method available to update your site, involves a little more technical expertise, and should probably only be used if the previous methods won’t work due to a highly complex site or hosting issues (shared hosting for example). As usual back-up your site and your database. For most Joomla! sites, the first two methods will successfully update your site. However, updating is still fairly easily, and should not be a problem.
Before you begin, go to global configuration and on the server tab and in the Database Settings area find the database table prefix used by your site.
To update your site manually, you will need to download the 1.6.5 > 1.7.0 update package from JoomlaCode. You can download it here. Unpack the package and you will find two zip files in it. You will only need the large zip file called Joomla_1.7.0-Stable-Update_Package.zip for your update. Using an ftp client, upload the zip file to your server into the root directory of your website, and unpack the files. This will over-write any modified files with new, updated files for 1.7.0. Alternatively, you can unpack the Joomla_1.7.0-Stable-Update_Package.zip on your local computer, then copy the un-packed files into your websites root, overwriting the modified files.
After unpacking the files to your website you need to manually delete the files and folders listed in administrator/components/com_admin/script.php.
This is the list of files:
- /templates/atomic/css/blueprint/src/blueprintcss-0-9-1-cheatsheet-3-5-3-gjms.pdf
- /administrator/manifests/packages/joomla.xml
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/css/rounded.css
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/css/norounded.css
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_corner_bl.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_header_right_rtl.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_br_dark.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_br_black.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_tr_black.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_bl_dark.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_tr_med.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_bl_light.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_header_right.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_br_light.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_tl_black.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_bl_black.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_tr_dark.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_bl_med.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_header_left.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_tl_med.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_tl_dark.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_br_med.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_tl_light.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_crn_tr_light.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_corner_br.png
- /administrator/templates/bluestork/images/j_header_left_rtl.png
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_modules/module/modal.php
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_modules/module/edit_assignment.php
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_menus/item/edit_modules.php
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_menus/items/default_batch.php
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_languages/language/edit.php
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_content/article/edit_metadata.php
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_categories/category/edit_metadata.php
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_categories/categories/default_batch.php
- /administrator/components/com_menus/models/forms/item_options.xml
- /administrator/language/overrides/xx-XX.override.ini
- /administrator/help/helpsites-16.xml
- /administrator/help/en-GB/Components_Content_Categories_Edit.html
- /administrator/help/en-GB/Components_Weblinks_Categories_Edit.html
- /administrator/help/en-GB/Components_Newsfeeds_Categories_Edit.html
- /administrator/help/en-GB/Components_Banners_Categories_Edit.html
- /administrator/help/en-GB/Components_Contact_Categories_Edit.html
- /media/editors/codemirror/css/docs.css
- /media/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.js
- /media/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php
- /media/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/media/css/content.css
- /media/mod_languages/images/ta.gif
- /libraries/joomla/config.php
- /libraries/joomla/import.php
- /libraries/joomla/version.php
And these folders:
- /plugins/authentication/example
- /plugins/user/example
- /plugins/content/example
- /plugins/extension/example
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_modules/select
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_media
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/mod_popular
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/mod_status
- /administrator/templates/hathor/html/mod_latest
- /administrator/components/com_weblinks/helpers/html
- /media/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/pagebreak/css
- /media/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/pagebreak/img
- /media/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/example
After you have done this you need to manually update your site's database. To do so locate the file installation/sql/mysql/joomla_update_17ga.sql, or the files /administrator/components/com_admin/sql/updates/mysql/1.7.0-2011-06-06.sql and administrator/components/com_admin/sql/updates/mysql/1.7.0-2011-06-06-2.sql.
As of July 16th 2011 the file(s) contains:
ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;
ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD INDEX `idx_ordering` (`ordering`);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__associations` (
`id` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'A reference to the associated item.',
`context` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The context of the associated item.',
`key` CHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The key for the association computed from an md5 on associated ids.',
PRIMARY KEY `idx_context_id` (`context`, `id`),
INDEX `idx_key` (`key`)
Inside you will find parts like #__languages
and #__associations
. Replace the pound sign and the first underscore (#_
) with your database tables prefix. By default this is jos
. If you didn't get the prefix before starting, open your site's configuration.php and search for $dbprefix
. The string inside the single quotes behind it is what you're looking for. So you need to change #__languages
to jos_languages
and so on.
Once you've done this go to your site's phpmyadmin (or any way you usually manage your database) and open the database your site uses. There will be a tab called SQL, open this. Paste the content of your modified joomla_update_17ga.sql inside the text area and press go.
Congratulations, your site is now updated to Joomla 1.7. <headertabs/>