Splitting a long Article into multiple linked pages

From Joomla! Documentation

Splitting up long articles into sections is a helpful way of presenting content. Joomla! can be used to split Articles into multiple pages which are linked using Previous and Next page navigation and also a Table of Contents section which is displayed as part of the Article.

To split a long Article into multiple linked pages:

  1. Open the Article for editing either by:
    • Click the Content > Article Manager menu item to go to the Article Manager, select the Article and click the Edit toolbar button.
    • Clicking the Add New Article button in the Control Panel.
    • If logged in to the Front-end, you have appropriate permissions and are viewing the Article you wish to edit: Click the Edit toolbar button.
  2. Locate the position in the content where the first page should end with the cursor.
  3. Click the Pagebreak editor button at the bottom of the page. The Insert Pagebreak screen will open.


  1. Enter the Page Title and Table of Contents Alias as required:
    • Page Title: Allows you to enter a sub title for the page displayed after the Article title. If left blank the main Article title will be used.
    • Table of Contents Alias: Used to give a shortened name for the Table of Contents which is displayed as part of multiple page Articles. If left blank the link will be displayed as Page #.
  2. Click the Insert Pagebreak button. The screen will close and a horizontal rule will be inserted to show the location of the Pagebreak.
    • To close the Insert Pagebreak screen without inserting a Pagebreak click the X close button.
  3. Repeat steps 2-5 for each Pagebreak required.
    • To remove a Pagebreak delete the horizontal rule using the delete or backspace keys.

It is not possible to edit the Page Title and Table of Contents Alias using the content editor once it has been inserted. To modify the Pagebreak you can do one of the following:

  • Delete and re-insert the pagebreak using the process described above.
  • Edit the raw HTML of the Article using the editor and modify the title and alt attributes of the relevant <hr> HTML tag.