Adding changelog to your manifest file
From Joomla! Documentation
Discussion Just above the example changelog it says `Each node can be repeated as many times as needed.`
This is not strictly true. You can have several item nodes within a parent eg
<item>item 1</item>
<item>item 2</item>
but you can't repeat the parent <change> node
<item>item 1</item>
<item>item 2</item>
Only the last <change> elements will be displayed
Second suggestion. Although Joomla doesn't currently (v5.0.3) display it it would seem good practice to include a node
<date>13th March 2024</date>
This would enable improvements to the information presented in the layout. Similarly a <title> node might also be useful. Currently I use an `<addition<item>` node to provide a title, but it would be better to save the <addition> node for real additions. Also it would enable the title to be displayed above the <security> and <fix> nodes in the formatted layout.