

From Joomla! Documentation

Chunk:Help screen column header

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Template-info.pngTemplate documentation

The available modular templates for the column headers (Joomla! 1.5 help screens). Please add the new templates you created to this page.

Help screen column headers[edit]

{{colheader|Access Level}}

  • Access Level. Who has access to this item. Current options are:
    • Public: Everyone has access
    • Registered: Only registered users have access
    • Special: Only users with author status or higher have access
You can change an item's Access Level by clicking on the icon in the column.


  • Assigned. Shows whether this Template has been assigned to any specific menu items. To assign a template to menu items, open the Template for editing.


  • Author. Name of the Joomla! User who created this item. Clicking on the Author opens the User for editing. See User Manager - Edit.


  • Back-end Language. Here you can select the back-end language of the user. All installed languages for the back-end will be displayed in the drop-down box. Default is the language set in Language Manager.


  • Block User. Here you can select whether to disable this user or not. Only available when editing Administrators or Super Administrators.


  • Checkbox. Check this box to select one or more items. To select all items, check the box in the column heading. After one or more boxes are checked, click a toolbar button to take an action on the selected item or items. Many toolbar actions, such as Publish and Unpublish, can work with multiple items. Others, such as Edit, only work on one item at a time. If multiple items are checked and you press Edit, the first item will be opened for editing.

{{colheader|Component name}}

  • Component. The name of the installed component.


  • Contact information. If you linked a contact to this user, the contact information will be showed here.


  • Date. The date this Article was created. This date is added automatically by Joomla!, but you may change it in the Parameters - Article section of the Article Manager - New/Edit.


  • Default. Indicator of Default Template.


  • Description. The description for the item. Section and Category descriptions for Articles may be shown on web pages, depending on the parameter settings. These descriptions are entered using the same editor that is used for Articles. Note that Section and Category descriptions may not be edited from the front end.


  • E-Mail. The e-mail address from the user is displayed here.


  • Enabled. A green tick or a red X showing whether the use of the component is enabled/disabled. Click the icon to toggle the item between enabled and disabled.


  • Enabled. In this column you can see whether the user is enabled or disabled. A green check is shown when the user is enabled, a red 'X' sign when the user is disabled. A disabled user did not activate their account by clicking on the link in the e-mail sent after registration. A disabled user could also be a user who was blocked by an Administrator or a Super Administrator. Click on the icon to toggle between enabled and disabled.


  • Front-end Language. Here you can select the front-end language of the user. All installed languages for the front-end will be displayed in the drop-down box. Default is the language set in Language Manager.


  • Group. The user's Group. The following Groups are available:
    • Registered User: Normal visitors who register at the site. Can view Menu Items that have Access Level of Registered. Cannot edit or submit articles.
    • Author: Can submit new articles for approval in the front end only. A Publisher or higher must approve. Cannot edit existing articles.
    • Editor: Can submit new articles or edit existing articles from the front end only. A Publisher or higher must approve.
    • Publisher: Can submit, edit, or publish articles from the front end only.
    • Manager, Administrator and Super Administrator: Can do all of the above plus can log into the back end with increasing rights.


  • Help Site. Set the help site of the user. Default is the Help Server set in the Global Configuration.


  • ID. The ID number. This is a unique identification number for this item assigned automatically by Joomla!. It is used to identify the item internally, for example in internal links. You can not change this number.


  • ItemID. Here you can see the ID number. You can not change this number.

{{colheader|Language client}}

  • Client. Attribute indicating the scope of the listed language pack.

{{colheader|Language name}}

  • Language. The name of the installed language pack.


  • Last Visit Date. Here you can see the date on which the user last logged in.

{{colheader|Logged in}}

  • Logged in. In this column, you can see whether the user is logged in or not. A green check is shown when the person is currently logged in. The column is left blank when the user is logged out.

{{colheader|Menu Being Copied}}

  • Menu being Copied. The menu being copied is displayed here.

{{colheader|Menu Item}}

  • Menu Item. The name of the Menu Item.

{{colheader|Menu items}}

  • Menu Items. An icon that links to the Menu Item Manager. Clicking this icon takes you directly to the Menu Items for the selected Menu, where you can add or edit Menu Items.

{{colheader|Menu Item(s) Being Copied}}

  • Menu Item(s) being Copied. The menu items from the menu being copied are displayed here.

{{colheader|Menu Type}}

  • Type. The type column in the menu manager will actually be the Unique Name of the menu.

{{colheader|Modules Column}}

  • Modules Column. Because all menus are also modules, and can have more than module associated with them, this column lists the number of modules associated with the menu.

{{colheader|Module client}}

  • Client. Attribute indicating the scope of the listed module.

{{colheader|Module name}}

  • Module. The name of the installed module.

{{colheader|Module Title}}

  • Module Title. The title that will be given to the mod_mainmenu module in the Module Manager. If left blank, a module will not be created and you will not be able to show this menu in the front-end. This will only be displayed when creating a new menu.


  • Name. The (full) name of the user.

{{colheader|New Menu Title}}

  • New Menu Title. Fill in the menu title for the new menu.

{{colheader|New Module Title}}

  • New Module Title. Fill in the module title for the new module, which will be created when you copy a menu.


  • New password. Fill in a (new) password. Although this field is not required, the user will not be able to log in when no password is set.


  • #. An indexing number automatically assigned by Joomla! for ease of reference.

{{colheader|Plugin name}}

  • Plugin. The name of the installed plugin.

{{colheader|Plugin type}}

  • Type. Indicates the type of the listed plugin.


  • Published. Whether the item has been published or not. You can change the Published state by clicking on the icon in this column.


  • Receive System E-mails. Here you can select whether to let this user receive the system e-mails or not. Only available when editing Administrators or Super Administrators.


  • Register Date. Here you can see the registered date. Only shown when editing a user.

{{colheader|Template name}}

  • Template Name. The name given to each Template by the Template author. Click the Name to open the Template for editing. If you hover the mouse over the Template Name, a small preview for the Template displays in a pop-up window. The Template Name normally corresponds to the sub-directory name that contains the Template in the <path-to-Joomla!>/templates/ directory. For example, the files for the "rhuk_milkyway" Template are in the directory "<path-to-Joomla!>/templates/rhuk_milkyway".

{{colheader|Template client}}

  • Client. Attribute indicating the scope of the listed template.


  • Time Zone. Set the time zone of the user. Default is the Time Zone set in the Global Configuration.


  • Title. The name of the item. For a Menu Item, the Title will display in the Menu. For an Article, Section, or Category, the Title may optionally be displayed on the web page. This entry is required. You can open the item for editing by clicking on the Title.


  • Trashed. The trashed column shows the number of items that have been deleted, but not purged from the trash manager.

{{colheader|Unique Name}}

  • Unique Name. The identification name used by Joomla! to identify this menu. It must be unique. Spaces are not recommended.


  • Unpublished. The unpublished column shows the the number of items that aren't published or publicly available.


  • User Editor. Here you can select the front-end and back-end editor of the user. All installed editors will be displayed in the drop-down box. Default is the WYSIWYG editor set in the Global Configuration.


  • Username. The username of the user is displayed here. When a user wants to log in, he has to fill in this username.


  • Verify password. Fill in the password from the field above again, to verify it. This field is required when you filled in the New password field.


  • Version. The version number of the Extension.