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Joomla! 3.x
Aranan Başlıklar
Video Resources
In addition to the over 700 tutorials in the Joomla Documentation, there's a wide variety of video resources available to help you with learning Joomla.
Thanks to the Joomla Magazine there ar a lot of them found. If you know more please add them.
Joomla's own YouTube channel
The first thing you can do is head over to Joomla’s official YouTube channel, where all tutorials are neatly listed in multiple playlists. Here you’ll find tutorials on all kinds of subjects, from customizing Joomla to patch testing.
Examples are Joomla Tutorials playlist, How to patch test playlist and How to develop an MVC component playlist.
Joomla training videos from OSTraining
OS Training provides online training to teach people how to build websites. For Joomla, they developed free classes on five topics: a beginners guide, maintenance, security, creating multilingual sites, and SEO. Each class contains multiple videos. With over 80 videos suitable for various skill levels, the official Joomla training covers most of the tasks you could possibly want to do with Joomla. The videos have been there for quite some time now and some of them may seem outdated, but the basics have remained the same so these tutorials are still a useful resource.
Find the free videos here on Youtube.
More (paid) Videos on OS Training and there partner Joomlashack.
Cloud Access
Cloud Access is our partner and service provider for the free joomla.com domains. On their website, they have loads of free tutorials, both video and written. You can find them here or their YouTube Channel
Tim Davis Basic Joomla Tutorials
The Basic Joomla Tutorials channel on YouTube features Joomla tutorials and live streams that help Joomla fans and users get more success and enjoyment out of their Joomla sites. Tim Davis, the host, is very experienced in creating videos (his company provides video tutorials for their clients) and good at explaining complex things. The videos look professional and are fun to watch.
Eoin Oliver’s Joomla Tutorials
OK, this one is a true hidden gem and we are really glad we found it: Eoin Oliver provides tips for professional web designers. If you are looking for ways to make your job easier, Eoin Oliver’s channel is the place to go! Eoin has great tips that can save you a lot of work and reduce the number of support requests. Very interesting!
Videos from JUGs and Joomla Events
Several Joomla User Groups have their own video channels where they share the videos from their meetings. Not really how-to’s, but interesting nevertheless.
Various Joomla User Groups, for example Joomla Australia and Joomla London, organise virtual meetups you can join.
- Joomla Australia’s channel has a number of sessions from both JoomlaDay Australia and more recently their virtual Joomla User Group sessions. Visit Joomla Australia's Youtube Channel.
- Parlez-vous Français? Check out the videos from JoomlaDay France.
- Hablas español? Podcast-channel Mastermind Joomla has videos as well.
- Spreek je Nederlands? Check out the videos from JoomlaDays The Netherlands.
- Parli italiano? On Joomla.it there is a free video course on the basics of Joomla 3.x
- J and Beyond, the annual European international Joomla Conference, has made hundreds of interesting videos, from presentations and talks on all kinds of topics.
- Joomla! London have a comprehensive range of video session from their user group over the years. Their sessions often go into an in depth level of detail on technical topics.
Joomla User Groups around the world hold a range of events locally and internationally. Check out the Joomla Events Calendar for events that are coming up near you, or follow various groups to find out more about resources they may publish after the event.
Extension developers often have tutorial videos on their website as well. Akeeba, the developer of Akeeba Backup and Admin Tools, has great videos on how to use their extensions.
These are just a few of the tutorial videos available. If you type in “Joomla training” on YouTube, you’ll find there are many more to choose from, for all levels: beginner tutorials, developers guides, one-time explanations on how to fix certain errors, and complete crash courses.
More can be find in the category below.