From Joomla! Documentation
Dear Jehacgn, Welcome to Joomla! Documentation!
Yes, welcome! This site is dedicated to documenting Joomla!, the CMS software behind many websites!
You have now been added to documentation as a translator! If you check the page Documentation Translators, you should see your username. Please, take a look at the following pages. They might prove useful to you as a new translator here:
- Translation Guidelines
- Translation Quickstart Guide
- Translating Links
- Translating Categories
- Play in the Translation Sandbox
- Language policy on Joomla! Documentation
- Finding pages to translate
Translators have many channels for help with translating on Joomla! Documentation. Please join one or both.
- We have a Mattermost channel for translators. Ask questions, get answers, and have fun. Send a contact request to Max123kl, Ceford or MartijnM. Login to Mattermost with your Joomla identity account and let us know your name, specifying that you're a JDOC translator, and we can add you directly to the channel.
- Post on a talk page. Either the translation administrator who sent you this welcome or another translator of your language on the Documentation Translators page.
If you have any other questions, please ask me on my talk page. Alternatively, you can go to my user page and click the "gear" icon in the top right and send a private email to me. Once again, welcome, and I hope you quickly feel comfortable here.
Thanks, and regards, (MATsxm (talk) 05:47, 24 October 2015 (CDT))
Übersetzungsbenachrichtigung: J3.x:Upgrading from Joomla 3.4.x to 3.5[edit]
du erhältst diese E-Mail, da du dich als Übersetzer(in) für Deutsch auf Joomla! Documentation registriert hast. Die Seite J3.x:Upgrading from Joomla 3.4.x to 3.5 ist zum Übersetzen vorhanden. Du kannst sie hier übersetzen:
Übersetzungspriorität dieser Seite: hoch. Frist zur Übersetzung der Seite: 2016-03-16.
This is an urgent page to translate in a maximum of languages and before March 16th. Thanks for the help.
If you know friends able to translate it in other languages, Thank you to let them know how to help.
MATsxmDeine Hilfe wird sehr geschätzt. Übersetzer wie du helfen dabei, dass Joomla! Documentation als wirklich mehrsprachige Gemeinschaft fungiert.
Vielen Dank,
die Übersetzungskoordinatoren von Joomla! Documentation, 13:25, 12 March 2016 (CST)