User talk


From Joomla! Documentation

Hi Mhehm!

Thanks for signing up as a translator!!!

I should have addressed this sooner rather than later. I will put a notice at the top of the sign-up page for translators.

There is a small handful of languages that are written and read right to left. I see you would fall in that category.

As you know, mainly these languages are either Arabic or Hebrew although I believe there are small subsets of each of them. Currently our docs template does not fully support right to left. It kind of does, but parts are broken. Mainly one of the problems is with the JavaScript affecting some of the interface buttons. Docs uses the foundation framework to build its template and functions. Foundation claims to support right to left. The issue is in order to use right to left there are changes that must be made to JavaScript and also some of the CSS. This is not fully integrated into the template.

You are free to try the translations and they might look okay as long as they are using a left to right interface of docs. Translations does just the content of a page, so if you write the title and the content right to left, it will look and read that way on a page. Unfortunately, it will be framed in a left to right interface.

Right to left is on my list and is also part of a github project working to address these issues with the template. It will not happen immediately, it will may take a few months before I can devote the time needed to correct some of the Foundation framework issues if someone doesn't come up with solution before me. :) Or it maybe I will just build a right to left template and users will just have to set it as their default manually.

Questions, I'm happy to assist and answer. Just reply here and I'll do my best. Thanks! Tom Hutchison (talk) 08:35, 25 February 2014 (CST)

به ویکی مستندات جوملا! خوش آمدید[edit]

با سلام خدمت

پیوستن شما به مشارکت‌کنندگان در ترجمه ویکی مستندات جوملا! راتبریک می گوییم، دوست عزیز راحت باشید و هر گونه سوالی در مورد ویکی مستندات جوملا! دارید از ما بپرسید.

حیدری (talk) 05:41, 27 June 2016 (CDT)