Preguntas frecuentes sobre la versión 4.0 Beta
From Joomla! Documentation
Esas preguntas son específicas para la versión 4.0 Beta 1 de Joomla!. Sólo los problemas que son específicos para esta versión se enumeran a continuación, junto con las resoluciones sugeridas. Por favor ayuda a completar este listado si encuentras un fallo que afecta a mucha gente. El equipo Bug Squad de Joomla! revisará esta página para asegurarse de que los nuevos errores son agregados al tracker y resueltos. Usa el foro oficial de Joomla! si lo que necesitas es soporte, ya que esto no es una alternativa a dicho foro para conseguir ayuda, sino más bien un lugar común para la comunidad en el que recopilar los problemas más habituales para esta versión.
Miembros del Bug Squad, por favor usad el formulario de la derecha para crear una página de FAQ (preguntas frecuentes) de forma rápida. Tratad de no usar la versión de mantenimiento de Joomla en el título, ya que el bug puede afectar a más de una versión.
This Joomla 4 FAQ for extensions developers is a draft, and we are still collecting the questions. TDB questions are “To Be Defined”.
A huge Thank You to our volunteers! This is the current Joomla 4 Beta:
Main Questions
Where is the documentation for migrating from Joomla 3.10.x to Joomla 4?
The Update Working Group is working on documentation as we speak. It’s not ready yet. To get an idea of the process, it will be very similar to the migration process from 2.5 to 3.x. See Why Migrate for details.
Which are the Potential backward compatibility issues in Joomla 4?
This article is the official reference of Potential backward compatibility issues in Joomla 4:
On top of the Potential backward compatibility issues, the biggest change is the new templates based on Bootstrap 4 and other modern front-end tools.
What is Joomla 3.10 compatibility layer?
Joomla 3.10 and Joomla 4 will come with a compatibility layer to easy the transition to Joomla 4. The compatibility layer will be removed on Joomla 5.
For instance, the J-Classes are aliases to the new namespaced classes. JRegistry
=> \Joomla\Registry\Registry
What is the Joomla 3.10.x and the Update Checker?
The Update Checker is an extension that will be included on Joomla 3.10 to confirm if:
- The hosting meets the minimum requirements of Joomla 4.x, and
- The installed extensions that use the Update Server have versions compatible with Joomla 4.
For more information:
Does Joomla 4 have a compatibility layer for Bootstrap 2.3?
No. All extensions must drop the use of Bootstrap 2.3 in the migration to Joomla 4.
About the Front-end development
Are extensions encouraged to be Framework Agnostic?
That would be ideal but supporting the core backend template, and core front-end template should be a good start. As for the front-end, it would be similar to now.
What have changed on the front-end? Bootstrap? jQuery?
Joomla 4 comes by default with Bootstrap 4 and plain JavaScript scripts. Joomla 4 includes jQuery for backwards compatibility and BS4 compatibility. jQuery is not used at Joomla 4 core level.
Is it defined that Joomla 5 will come with Bootstrap 5?
No. There are no plans about the Framework to be used in Joomla 5 yet.
How does the core team build the front-end files? What has changed?
About The Database Changes
Will Joomla be “NULL date defaults” going forward everywhere?
Yes. This is what is defined in Potential backward compatibility issues in Joomla 4.
Strict mode has been enabled. The following flags are now active by default in Joomla 4 and you may have to update your database queries accordingly. This will help us with future MySQL version upgrades and also aligns more closely with Postgres to enable easier compatibility with queries in both languages.
Will the Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 Updater convert all of the core tables to use “NULL date defaults”?
The Joomla 4 Updater will handle the change of “NULL date defaults” to the new schema. Please, note that the way of how NULL values are managed changes.
These are the upcoming changes:
- The 0000-Null conversion
- The Null-Mandatory field type conversion, fields that are null on J3 and now they are Mandatory.
For instance, check the following table of field changes:
J3 Table | J3 Field name | J3 Field type | => | J4 Table | J4 Field name | J4 Field type |
User | registerDate | datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | => | User | registerDate | datetime No None |
User | lastvisitDate | datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | => | User | lastvisitDate | datetime Yes NULL |
Content | created | datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | => | Content | created | datetime No None |
Content | modified | datetime No 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | => | User | registerDate | modified datetime No None |
Please, check the following PR for the Weblinks extension: Fix default value for datetime columns and make some nullable to adapt to CMS 4.0-dev and remove sqlsrv
Will older extensions that still use the “0000-00-00 date defaults” will break?
It depends.
The core upgrade is going to convert only the core tables; and the core upgrade isn’t going to convert schema or content for tables which belong to 3rd-party extensions.
The 3rd-party extension upgrade for Joomla 4 can convert the tables to NULL dates. The extensions will continue to work if using the api for writing into core tables in the right way.
Will the Update Checker check all tables for invalid date defaults?
No, the Update Checker checks the hosting support for Joomla 4 and the availability of extensions for Joomla 4. It will not check individually the tables, only the availability of extensions versions for Joomla 4. Indirectly, the result will be the same.
About PHP Namespaces and Autoloaders
Is the namespacing of extensions mandatory or recommended on Joomla 4?
Namespaced extensions will probably not work in Joomla 3.10 - so you will need to use the non-namespaced extensions if you wish to support Joomla 3.10 and Joomla 4 in the same version.
Using namespaces however is recommended for Joomla 4 native extensions. The use of namespaces will be mandatory for Joomla 5 if you wish to use the core MVC classes.
Can we use still use the current J classes and J helpers in Joomla 4? For instance, JText
Yes. Please, take into account that the J-Classes will be removed on Joomla 5.
Is mandatory the use of namespaces in Joomla 4?
Can an extension without namespaces run on Joomla 4?
Is Joomla 4 organized by PSR4 autoloading?
Yes, the core extensions have a new src
folder following the PSR4 namespace organization. However, the autoloader is not driven by a composer.json
Ref: PSR-4: Autoloader
Do the legacy autoloaders (jimport
and JLoader
) work in Joomla 4?
Is Joomla 4 compatible with Composer and Packagist libraries?
Yes, an extension can be developed with Composer libraries, using PSR0, PSR2 or PSR4. Take into account that name and versions collisions can occur between extensions, so techniques to avoid conflicts must be implemented.
What is going to be deprecated on Joomla 5?
Please, check the list of classes that will be deprecated in libraries/classmap.php
How many autoloaders are active in Joomla 4 by default?
About the extension development
Is there a new recommended extension directory organization?
Yes, this is the new extension organization:
- forms
- helpers
- src
- Controller
- Dispatcher
- Helper
- Model
- Service
- View
- tmpl
Can an extension follow the Joomla 3 extension organization?
What are the official reference extensions for Joomla 4?
Is there a new priority of view overrides?
TBD. Reference:
What are the services and providers in Joomla 4?
Does Joomla 4 have Container?
Does Joomla 4 have Dependency Injection?
About the security features
What is Joomla 4.0 Content Security Policy (CSP)’s?
Tobias talked about Content Security Policy (CSP) yesterday at JAB 2020. We’ll link the video
How to securely use the Joomla secret