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< API15:JFolder
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Utility function to read the folders in a folder.

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folders($path, $filter= '.', $recurse=false, $fullpath=false, $exclude=array('.svn', 'CVS'))
Parameter Name Default Value Description
$path The path of the folder to read.
$filter '.' A filter for folder names.
$recurse false True to recursively search into sub-folders, or an integer to specify the maximum depth.
$fullpath false True to return the full path to the folders.
$exclude array('.svn', 'CVS') Array with names of folders which should not be shown in the result.


array Folders in the given folder.

Defined in[edit]



jimport( 'joomla.filesystem.folder' );

Source Body[edit]

function folders($path, $filter = '.', $recurse = false, $fullpath = false, $exclude = array('.svn', 'CVS'))
        // Initialize variables
        $arr = array();

        // Check to make sure the path valid and clean
        $path = JPath::clean($path);

        // Is the path a folder?
        if (!is_dir($path)) {
                JError::raiseWarning(21, 'JFolder::folder: ' . JText::_('Path is not a folder'), 'Path: ' . $path);
                return false;

        // read the source directory
        $handle = opendir($path);
        while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false)
                if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..') && (!in_array($file, $exclude))) {
                        $dir = $path . DS . $file;
                        $isDir = is_dir($dir);
                        if ($isDir) {
                                // Removes filtered directories
                                if (preg_match("/$filter/", $file)) {
                                        if ($fullpath) {
                                                $arr[] = $dir;
                                        } else {
                                                $arr[] = $file;
                                if ($recurse) {
                                        if (is_integer($recurse)) {
                                                $arr2 = JFolder::folders($dir, $filter, $recurse - 1, $fullpath);
                                        } else {
                                                $arr2 = JFolder::folders($dir, $filter, $recurse, $fullpath);
                                        $arr = array_merge($arr, $arr2);

        return $arr;

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Code Examples[edit]