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The "API16" namespace is an archived namespace. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.

Defined in[edit]



Method name Description
__construct Constructor
getOverwrite Get the allow overwrite switch
setOverwrite Set the allow overwrite switch
getUpgrade Get the allow overwrite switch
setUpgrade Set the allow overwrite switch
getManifest Get the installation manifest object
getPath Get an installer path by name
setPath Sets an installer path by name
pushStep Pushes a step onto the installer stack for rolling back steps
abort Installation abort method
install Package installation method
discover Extension discover method Asks each adapter to find extensions
update Package update method
uninstall Package uninstallation method
setupInstall Prepare for installation: this method sets the installation directory, finds and checks the installation file and verifies the installation type
parseQueries Backward compatible Method to parse through a queries element of the installation manifest file and take appropriate action.
parseSQLFiles Method to extract the name of a discreet installation sql file from the installation manifest file.
parseFiles Method to parse through a files element of the installation manifest and take appropriate action.
parseLanguages Method to parse through a languages element of the installation manifest and take appropriate action.
parseMedia Method to parse through a media element of the installation manifest and take appropriate action.
getParams Method to parse the parameters of an extension, build the INI string for it's default parameters, and return the INI string.
copyFiles Copy files from source directory to the target directory
removeFiles Method to parse through a files element of the installation manifest and remove the files that were installed
copyManifest Copies the installation manifest file to the extension folder in the given client
findManifest Tries to find the package manifest file
isManifest Is the xml file a valid Joomla installation manifest file
generateManifestCache Generates a manifest cache string serialised manifest data
cleanDiscoveredExtension Cleans up discovered extensions if they're being installed somehow else
findDeletedFiles Compares two "files" entries to find deleted files/folders
loadMD5Sum Loads an MD5SUMS file into an associative array
getGroupIDFromName Get a group ID from a given name
getInstance Returns the global Installer object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.


jimport( 'joomla.installer.installer' );


Code Examples[edit]