From Joomla! Documentation
< API16:JTableNested
The "API16" namespace is an archived namespace. This page contains information for a Joomla! version which is no longer supported. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.
Method to store a node in the database table.
Parameter Name | Default Value | Description |
$updateNulls | false | True to update null values as well. |
boolean True on success.
Defined in[edit]
jimport( 'joomla.database.tablenested' );
Source Body[edit]
public function store($updateNulls = false)
// Initialise variables.
$k = $this->_tbl_key;
if ($this->_debug) {
echo "\n".get_class($this)."::store\n";
$this->_logtable(true, false);
* If the primary key is empty, then we assume we are inserting a new node into the
* tree. From this point we would need to determine where in the tree to insert it.
if (empty($this->$k)) {
* We are inserting a node somewhere in the tree with a known reference
* node. We have to make room for the new node and set the left and right
* values before we insert the row.
if ($this->_location_id >= 0) {
// Lock the table for writing.
if (!$this->_lock()) {
// Error message set in lock method.
return false;
// We are inserting a node relative to the last root node.
if ($this->_location_id == 0) {
// Get the last root node as the reference node.
'SELECT `'.$this->_tbl_key.'`, `parent_id`, `level`, `lft`, `rgt`' .
' FROM `'.$this->_tbl.'`' .
' WHERE `parent_id` = 0' .
' ORDER BY `lft` DESC',
0, 1
$reference = $this->_db->loadObject();
// Check for a database error.
if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()) {
return false;
if ($this->_debug) {
// We have a real node set as a location reference.
else {
// Get the reference node by primary key.
if (!$reference = $this->_getNode($this->_location_id)) {
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// Get the reposition data for shifting the tree and re-inserting the node.
if (!($repositionData = $this->_getTreeRepositionData($reference, 2, $this->_location))) {
// Error message set in getNode method.
return false;
// Create space in the tree at the new location for the new node in left ids.
'UPDATE `'.$this->_tbl.'`' .
' SET `lft` = `lft` + 2' .
' WHERE '.$repositionData->left_where
// Check for a database error.
if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()) {
return false;
if ($this->_debug) {
// Create space in the tree at the new location for the new node in right ids.
'UPDATE `'.$this->_tbl.'`' .
' SET `rgt` = `rgt` + 2' .
' WHERE '.$repositionData->right_where
// Check for a database error.
if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()) {
return false;
if ($this->_debug) {
// Set the object values.
$this->parent_id = $repositionData->new_parent_id;
$this->level = $repositionData->new_level;
$this->lft = $repositionData->new_lft;
$this->rgt = $repositionData->new_rgt;
} else {
// Negative parent ids are invalid
return false;
* If we have a given primary key then we assume we are simply updating this
* node in the tree. We should assess whether or not we are moving the node
* or just updating its data fields.
else {
// If the location has been set, move the node to its new location.
if ($this->_location_id > 0)
if (!$this->move($this->_location_id, $this->_location, $this->$k)) {
// Error message set in move method.
return false;
// Lock the table for writing.
if (!$this->_lock()) {
// Error message set in lock method.
return false;
// Store the row to the database.
if (!parent::store()) {
return false;
if ($this->_debug) {
// Unlock the table for writing.
return true;
Code Examples[edit]