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Joomla 11.1 JArchiveZip[edit]


Template:Description:JArchiveZip [Edit Descripton]


Visibility Method name Description
public checkZipData Checks to see if the data is a valid ZIP file.
public create Create a ZIP compressed file from an array of file data.
public extract Extract a ZIP compressed file to a given path.
public hasNativeSupport Method to determine if the server has native zip support for faster handling.
protected _addToZIPFile Adds a "file" to the ZIP archive.
protected _createZIPFile Creates the ZIP file.
protected _extract Extract a ZIP compressed file to a given path using a php based algorithm that only requires zlib support.
protected _extractNative Extract a ZIP compressed file to a given path using native php api calls for speed.
protected _getFileData Returns the file data for a file by offsest in the ZIP archive.
protected _getZipInfo Get the list of files/data from a ZIP archive buffer.
protected _unix2DOSTime Converts a UNIX timestamp to a 4-byte DOS date and time format (date in high 2-bytes, time in low 2-bytes allowing magnitude comparison).
  • Defined in libraries/joomla/filesystem/archive/zip.php
  • Extends JObject


jimport( 'joomla.filesystem.archive.zip' );

See also[edit]

Template:SeeAlso:JArchiveZip [Edit See Also]

User contributed notes[edit]

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