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Joomla 11.1 JFormHelper[edit]


Template:Description:JFormHelper [Edit Descripton]


Visibility Method name Description
public static addFieldPath Method to add a path to the list of field include paths.
public static addFormPath Method to add a path to the list of form include paths.
public static addRulePath Method to add a path to the list of rule include paths.
public static loadFieldClass Attempt to import the class file if it isn't already imported.
public static loadFieldType Method to load a form field object given a type.
public static loadRuleClass Attempt to import the class file if it isn't already imported.
public static loadRuleType Method to load a form rule object given a type.
protected static addPath Method to add a path to the list of include paths for one of the form's entities.
protected static loadClass Load a class for one of the form's entities of a particular type.
protected static loadType Method to load a form entity object given a type.
  • Defined in libraries/joomla/form/helper.php


jimport( 'joomla.form.helper' );

See also[edit]

Template:SeeAlso:JFormHelper [Edit See Also]

User contributed notes[edit]

<CodeExamplesForm />