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Joomla 11.1 JHtml[edit]


Template:Description:JHtml [Edit Descripton]


Visibility Method name Description
public static Class loader method.
public static addIncludePath Add a directory where should search for helpers.
public static calendar Displays a calendar control field.
public static core
public static date Returns formated date according to a given format and time zone.
public static iframe Write a <iframe></iframe> element.
public static image Write a.
public static isRegistered Test if the key is registered.
public static link Write a element.
public static register Registers a function to be called with a specific key.
public static script Write a <script></script> element.
public static setFormatOptions Set format related options.
public static stylesheet Write a <link rel="stylesheet" style="text/css"> element.
public static tooltip Creates a tooltip with an image as button.
public static unregister Removes a key for a method from registry.
protected static extract
  • Defined in libraries/joomla/html/html.php


jimport( 'joomla.html.html' );

See also[edit]

Template:SeeAlso:JHtml [Edit See Also]

User contributed notes[edit]

<CodeExamplesForm />