
Administration FAQs Version 1.0

From Joomla! Documentation

This page has been archived. This page contains information for an unsupported Joomla! version or is no longer relevant. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.

Why don't all of my menu items show up in the module assignment lists?[edit]

Modules are assigned to specific pages using a list of menu links that is visible when you edit the module in the module manager (on the right of the page). In older versions of Joomla! this list does NOT include menu links of the type "URL." This is an anomoly from the history of the development of Joomla! carried over from Mambo. Although you can use the url type for any link, including internal joomla links, the original idea was that these would be used for links to external sites which would not display joomla! modules. Some Joomla! component extensions use url links (rather than component links with parameters) as a simple way to access specific views of the components.

In Joomla! 1.0.12 and later this issue was partially addressed by allowing modules to be assigned to URL links that did not include ItemId. Therefore, one way to address this issue is to make sure that your site is running the current version of Joomla! and that url links that are internal to your site do not include ItemId values.

How do I redirect users after a successful login?[edit]

After logging into the Administration backend, go the module manager. A list of all the modules installed on your site will appear. Edit the one that says "Login Form" under Module Name ("mod_login" under the Type column).


Under Parameters, enter the URL of page where you want to redirect successful logins to where it says "Login Redirection URL."


Select the redirection page from the list of menu links offered. Make sure that the link is to a published item.

Note: The same procedure is used for redirecting users on successful logout except you enter the page where you want to redirect successful logouts to where it says "Logout Redirection URL."

What do the types of links for menus mean?[edit]


When you create a new link on a menu you need to select from a number of different types of links. Which type you select depends on what you are linking to and how you want it to appear. The following types exist:


These types allow you to link to a section, a category or individual content items, static content and archives. Sections and categories can be linked either blog style or list/table style. In addition there is a link type that allows submission to specific content sections.


Separator/placeholder allows you to insert a non active link.

Wrapper creates an Iframe which displays an external page within your Joomla! site.


Submit--Content allows you to link to a form to submit content to specific sections.


Component links allow you to link to components you have installed or that are preinstalled in Joomla!. In some instances components will allow you to set parameters to define the display in more detail. There are also some predefined links to components that are included with Joomla! by default, such as weblinks and contacts.


Links include specific kinds of links, most of which are also included under other headings. URL link is a generic link that allows you to link any specific url, either internal to Joomla! or externally.



This gives you access to content.

You can then choose from section, category, archive, articles, front page.

Within section, category and archive you can choose list or blog layouts.

Blog Layout

Blog layout will show a listing of all Articles of the selected blog type (Section or Category) in the mainbody position of your template.

List Layout

Table layout will simply give you a tabular list of all the titles in that particular Section or Category.


Wrappers allow you to place stand alone applications and Third Party Web sites inside your Joomla! site. The content within a Wrapper appears within the primary content area defined by the "mainbody" tag and allows you to display their content as a part of your own site. A Wrapper will place an IFRAME into the content Section of your Web site and wrap your standard template navigation around it so it appears in the same way an Article would.

Each Component

Each component will have its own link. Some may require you to make additional choices of options.

External Link

Lets you link to an external site


This lets you make a text or image only (non linkable) menu item.


Lets you make a link matching an existing menu item. This avoids the problem of having multiple urls pointing to the same content.

How do I get rid of "This Category is Currently Empty"?[edit]


When you make a content category table link to an empty category, by default a "This Category is Currently Empty" message will display (or the equivalent in another language). You can eliminate or modify this message by editing your language file.

In /language/english.php change line 113 from


  DEFINE('_EMPTY_CATEGORY','This Category is currently empty');




You can also change the text in the menu link to weblinks.

How do I add a link to a menu?[edit]

To add a new item to an exisiting menu, you must log in to the administrative interface (back end) of Joomla!

Go to the menu manager (Menu>>Menu Manager).

Find the menu you wish to add to and click on the icon in the Menu Items column.

This will give a list of existing menu items.

To create a new item, click on the New icon.


Select the type of link you want.

Click on the continue icon.

Fill in or select the appropriate information and parameters.


Note: For some component links you need to edit the new link in order to apply parameters.



Select the menu item you want from the list displayed.

Continue making selections until you have reached the end of the choice tree for your menu link type.

What is php defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ) or defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access')?[edit]

1.0 Most php files within Joomla! 1.0.xbegin with the following statement:

     defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' )

This statement checks to see if the file is being called from within a Joomla! session. This protects your site by making it more difficult for a cracker/hacker to damage your site.

However, this line should NOT be included in your main index.php file, since this is the program that starts the Joomla! session.


Most php files within Joomla! 1.5 begin with the following statement:

    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

This statement checks to see if the file is being called from within a Joomla! session. This protects your site by making it more difficult for a cracker/hacker to damage your site.

However, this line should NOT be included in your main index.php file, since this is the program that starts the Joomla! session.

How do I stop users from being able to register?[edit]

Go to your site >> global configuration and change "allow user registration" to no.

How do I control whether modules are vertically or horizontally arranged?[edit]


If you edit the html of your template, you will see that each position is assigned to a location using mosLoadModules.

Usually it looks something like this:

<?php if (mosCountModules('top')>0) mosLoadModules ( "top" ); ?>

By default, modules are arranged in a vertical list. However, you can control this by changing the line. For example, to make a horizontal layout use

<?php if (mosCountModules('top')>0) mosLoadModules ( "top", 1 ); ?>

For vertical

<?php if (mosCountModules('top')>0) mosLoadModules ( "top", 0 ); ?>

Here are the definitions of the numbers for mosLoadModules: 1 = horizontal, 0 = normal, -1 = raw, -2 = XHTML and -3 = extra divs.


See [[1]]

The optional style="" attribute is available for the module and modules types of <jdoc:include /> statements. The attribute value refers to the "chrome" style used to wrap the output generated by a module. If no style is provided, a value of "none" is used by default. The standard styles which are declared in %%/templates/system/html/modules.php%% include:

* table
* horz
* xhtml
* rounded
* outline

Template designers may add additional chrome names by adding a custom version of this file to %%/user-template/html/modules.php%%.

How do you display an RSS feed?[edit]

The easiest way to display an RSS feed is:

In administrator,

1.0 go to modules>>site modules

Click new. Give it a title Scroll down and put the link for the rss feed where it says RSS URL

Set your details.

Then display your feed as you would any module.


Go to extensions>>Module Manager

Find the Feed Display module

Enter the url of the feed.

Save and display the module like any other module.


A second way is to use the News Feeds component that comes with Joomla! In the administrator go to components>>News Feeds

In the component you can manage your news feeds and assign them to categories.

To show the feeds on the front end make a component link in your menu.

How do I assign a module to a postion?[edit]

You assign a module to a position using the module manager.


Modules>>Site Modules

On the left side of the page, on the third line, there is a drop down menu that lets you select the position. Modules that are not pubished will not display.

Modules can be assigned to unused positions (positions not in the template) if you want to have them published but not displayed in a position (for example, if you want to display a module in content).

Multiple modules may be assigned to the same position. They will be displayed in the order shown for modules in that position in the module manager.

If you want to display a module in more than one position, use the menu manager to copy the module and assign the copy to the second position.


How do you put modules on or remove them from specific pages?[edit]

How do you change the title of a module?[edit]

Can I control what is shown in the Latest News Module?[edit]

What does This site is temporarily unavailable - Database ERROR NUMBER CODE mean[edit]

Why are the admin menus not working or missing?[edit]

How do I change the footer?[edit]

How do I add my own php to a content item?[edit]

How do I recover my admin password?[edit]

How do I implement the core Search Engine Friendly URLs (SEF)?[edit]

Can I import users from a Csv file?[edit]

Why does the html disappear when I edit in my wysiwyg editor?[edit]

Will my existing extensions work in Joomla! 1.5?[edit]

What do I do to prepare to upgrade?[edit]

How do I implement the core Search Engine Friendly URLs (SEF)?(Windows)[edit]