
Upgrading and Migrating FAQs version 1.0

From Joomla! Documentation

This page has been archived. This page contains information for an unsupported Joomla! version or is no longer relevant. It exists only as a historical reference, it will not be improved and its content may be incomplete and/or contain broken links.

How do you patch Joomla! 1.0.x to 1.0.x?[edit]

Question: what is a patch?

This is a small tutorial and FAQ how to patch Joomla! 1.0.x to a newer version 1.0.y. A discussion for praise and/or comments can be found here. This will not cover the upgrade from Joomla 1.0 to 1.1 when this version will be released, only updates from 1.0.x to 1.0.x.

Question: what is a patch? A patch in Joomla! is a bunch of bugfixes, and might or might not include security issues. The patch announcement will always tell if a patch has fixed security issues. A patch is a minor upgrade. From Joomla! 1.0.0 to Joomla! 1.0.7 is considered a patch. Going from Joomla! 1.0,x to Joomla! 1.1 (which will be released later this year) will be a mayor upgrade and should be treated differently.

Question: how do I know which version I use?

Go to the administrator backend, and check the second line from the bottom, it will look something like this: 'Joomla! 1.0.x Stable [ Sunburst ] 15-Jan-2006 20:00 UTC'. The information that is available here, is pulled from /includes/version.php

Question: should I patch or not?

It is always advised to update to the latest version, especially if a patch has security fixes in it. When you experience no problems with Joomla!, and a patch doesn't contain security fixes, you do not have to patch to the latest version. Take care that if you jump more then one step to take a look at all the announcements. A patch for Joomla! 1.0.7, for example, doesn't contain the announcement for Joomla! 1.0.6. Whenever you experience problems, please search the forums first and try to patch your installation to the latest version.

Question: do I need to install one or more patches to go to the latest version?

When going from Joomla! 1.0.1 to Joomla! 1.0.x for example, you only need to install one patch. This patch will have a name like 'Joomla 1.0.1 to 1.0.x-Stable-Patch'. Make sure that you current Joomla! version is the first number and that the version you are going to is the second number. Patches can be obtained here.

Question: Why do patch files have different extensions like .zip, .tar.gz, and

You only need one of those patches, the different extensions are for different operating systems. People using Windows will probably want to get the .zip files.

Question: Does a patch overwrite my configuration?

No, the patch only overwrites files that are available in an official download. It doesn't overwrite configuration.php for example. There are a few things that you need to know.

A patch can overwrite the default language file /language/english.php. You only need to take care if you made changes to the default english.php. A Joomla! patch doesn't overwrite other language files you have put there yourself.

A patch can also overwrite /images/favicon.ico, for the people who use a favicon.ico and have overwritten this file.

A patch can overwrite files in the default templates that are available with a default Joomla installation. If you want to use a default template, please make sure that it is better to copy the default template to another folder under the /templates directory.

Question: When do I need to update my language file?

You basically only need to update your language file if you are using another language than English. It is possible that patch contains a few additions in the default language file (/includes/english.php). If this is the case /includes/english.php will be available in the patch. Check your local international forum or the language forum for any updates that have taken place.

Question: What about the configuration.php-dist file?

This file is only needed for people for which the installation wizard doesn't work when installaling Joomla for the first time. This file can be found in a patch, as sometimes there are new configuration settings. This file can be totally ignored when patching Joomla. The new configuration settings will be automatically added to your current configuration.php file.

Question: How do I patch Joomla! for a local installation?

  • Create a back-up of both data and database before starting!
  • Check the forum if any problems have been found.
  • Download the patch in question.
  • Unpack the patch in an empty folder. If Windows doesn't contain an application that can unzip/untar your patch, you can download the open source application 7-zip from
  • It is highly advised to set your site offline for the duration of the patch. You can do this in the administrator backend, go to Global Configuration, and set 'Site offline' to 'Yes'.
  • Select all files and folders in the patch, and copy them over the root directory of your local installation. This is the location where your configuration.php is available. After the copying is finished, the patch is finished.
  • Set your site online again, your Joomla! installation should be patched to the latest version.
  • Check the version in the administrator backend, the version should be changed.

Question: How do I patch for a Joomla! installation at a hoster?

  • Create a back-up of both data and database before starting!
  • Check the forum if any problems have been found.
  • Download the patch in question.
  • Unpack the patch in an empty folder. If Windows doesn't contain an application that can unzip/untar your patch, you can download the open source application 7-zip from
  • It is highly advised to set your site offline for the duration of the patch. You can do this in the administrator backend, go to Global Configuration, and set 'Site offline' to 'Yes'.
  • You need a FTP program, FileZilla for example. This is an open source client that is available from
  • Another FTP program will work as well. Another FTP program will work as well. For this application to work, you need an FTP account, with a corresponding password (obtained from your hoster).
     Open your FTP client, and make sure that you change the configuration so that 'Passive Mode' is on. Most FTP clients will have this option in its configuration.
  • Select all files and folders in the FTP program, and copy them over the root directory of your installation at your host. This is the location where your configuration.php is available. After the copying is finished, the patch is finished. Check that all files have copied correctly. There are quite a few reports that files can get corrupted during transfer.
  • Set your site online again, your Joomla! installation should be patched to the latest version. * Check the version in the administrator backend, the version should be changed.

How do you move a Joomla! Site (files and configuring of configuration.php)?[edit]

To move your Joomla site from either one folder to another or one server to another, here are a few basics.

   * Copy over your files, either via ftp or SSH/command line
   * Backup and then restore your database - perhaps using phpmyadmin or SSH/command line (this step only needed if moving site from one server to another.)


   * Edit your configuration.php file to reflect the new values. Specifically the following:

$mosConfig_user = 'joomla_joomla'; $mosConfig_password = 'password'; $mosConfig_db = 'joomla_joomla'; $mosConfig_absolute_path = '/home/joomla/public_html'; $mosConfig_live_site = ''; $mosConfig_cachepath = '/your absolute path/cache';

Note: You may also need to ensure you have configured your .htaccess file in the new location.

How do I upgrade to Joomla! 1.5?[edit]

Yes you can migrate a Joomla! 1.0.x site or a Mambo 4.5.x to Joomla! 1.5.

Joomla 1.5 does not provide an upgrade path from earlier versions. Converting an older site to a Joomla 1.5 site requires creation of a new empty site using Joomla 1.5 and then populating the new site with the content from the old site. This migration of content is not a one-to-one process and involves conversions and modifications to the content dump.

There are two ways to perform the migration:

   * An automated method of migration has been provided which uses a migrator component to create the migration dump out of the old site (Mambo 4.5.x up to Joomla 1.0.x) and a smart import facility in the Joomla 1.5 Installation that performs required conversions and modifications during the installation process.
   * Migration can be performed manually. This involves exporting the required tables, manually performing required conversions and modifications and then importing the content to the new site after it is installed.

Automated migration

This is a two phased process using two tools. The first tool is a migrator component named 'com_migrator'. This component has been contributed by Harald Baer and is based on his 'eBackup' component. The migrator needs to be installed on the old site and when activated it prepares the required export dump of the old site's data. The second tool is built into the Joomla 1.5 installation process. The exported content dump is loaded to the new site and all conversions and modification are performed 'on-the-fly'.

Step 1 - Using com_migrator to export data from old site:

  1. Install the com_migrator component on the old site. It can be found at .
  2. Select the component in the component menu of the administrator.
  3. Click on the 'Dump it' icon. Three exported gzipped export scripts will be created. The first is a complete backup of the old site. The second is the migration content of all core elements which will be imported to the new site. The third is a backup of all 3PD component tables.
  4. Click on the download icon of the particular exports files needed and store locally.
  5. Multiple export sets can be created.
  6. The exported data is not modified in anyway and the original encoding is preserved. This makes the com_migrator tool a recommended tool to use for manual migration as well.

Step 2 - Using the migration facility to import and convert data during Joomla 1.5 installation:

Note: This function requires use of the iconv function in PHP to convert encodings. If iconv is not found a warning will be provided.

  1. In step 6 - Configuration select the 'Load Migration Script' option in the 'Load Sample Data, Restore or Migrate Backed Up Content' section of the page.
  2. Enter the table prefix used in the content dump. For example: '#_' or '#__' are acceptable values.
  3. Select the encoding of the dumped content in the dropdown list. This should be the encoding used on the pages of the old site. (As defined in the _ISO variable in the language file or as seen in the browser page info/encoding/source)
  4. Browse the local host and select the migration export and click on 'Upload and Execute'
  5. A success message should appear or alternately a listing of db errors # Complete the other required fields in the Configuration step such as Site Name and Admin details and advance to the final step of installation. (Admin details will be ignored as the imported data will take priority. Please remember admin name and password from the old site)

What is a nightly build?[edit]