From Joomla! Documentation
Revision as of 17:35, 17 April 2011 by Chris Davenport (talk | contribs) (CodeExample provided by Chris Davenport)
Revision as of 17:35, 17 April 2011 by Chris Davenport (talk | contribs) (CodeExample provided by Chris Davenport)
New document types are added by creating a new sub-directory under the /libraries/joomla/document/ directory with the same name as the type. For example, to add a document type called "mytype", you would create the directory /libraries/joomla/document/mytype. In this directory you must then create a file called mytype.php which will contain the class definition for JDocumentMytype which extends JDocument. Look at the code for existing document types to see what needs to be done.