Editores de conteúdo

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Os editores padrão disponíveis em Joomla multi

Editor TinyMCE

TinyMCE is the default editor for both Frontend and Backend users. TinyMCE is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor that allows users a familiar word-processing interface to use when editing Articles and other content.

TinyMCE can be configured with 3 different sets of toolbar buttons

*Set 2 is assigned to 'Public'. *Set 1 is assigned to the 'Manager' and 'Registered'.

  • Set 0 is the most extended toolbar and is by default assigned to the 'Administrator', 'Editor' and 'Super Users'.




Learn about Toolbars, Editor Buttons and Accessibility of TinyMCE.

Code Mirror

The CodeMirror editor is designed to make it easy to enter HTML code in an article or description. CodeMirror supports syntax highlighting and auto-completion, as shown in this screenshot.


CodeMirror offers some of the same advantages of using No Editor, but makes it somewhat easier to work with raw HTML code.

To set options: CodeMirror Editor Plugin

Sem editor

Se não for selecionado 'Nenhum editor' por um «Utilizador», então é exibido um editor de texto simples. Isto permite-lhe inserir na linha, HTML não formatado. Pode utilizar o botão 'Pré-visualizar' na barra de ferramentas para pré-visualizar a exibição de HTML.

Note that the 'No Editor' option can be useful if you are entering in 'boilerplate' or custom HTML, for example to create a PayPal link. TinyMCE automatically re-formats and strips some HTML when a file is saved. This can cause complex HTML to not work correctly.

If this happens, you can temporarily change the editor to 'No Editor' and create the desired content. Note that if you wish to edit this content in the future, you should be careful to change your editor to 'No Editor'. Otherwise, if you open and save the content with TinyMCE, you may lose your custom HTML.