Artikli kustutamine

From Joomla! Documentation

Revision as of 06:57, 25 June 2019 by Eraser (talk | contribs) (Created page with "#Logi sisse Joomla! adminiliidesesse. #Ava menüüst '''Sisu''' > '''Artiklid'''. #Märgi kastike artikli(te) kõrval , mida soovid kustutada.")
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Artikli kustutamiseks:

  1. Logi sisse Joomla! adminiliidesesse.
  2. Ava menüüst Sisu > Artiklid.
  3. Märgi kastike artikli(te) kõrval , mida soovid kustutada.

J3x select article delete-en.png

Then click the Trash button.

J3x article trash-en.png

If you want to make sure that the Article is completely gone from the system (so no further roll back is available):

  1. In the Article Manager, click the Search Tools button next to the search box. This will cause several selector menus to appear.
  2. Click Select Status, and select Trashed.
  3. Select the article(s) you want to permanently delete, and click the Empty Trash button.

J3x article select trashed-en.png

Note: Trashed Articles are not the same as Archived Articles.