

From Joomla! Documentation


In this screen you have the ability to create a new poll(when you click on the 'New' button in the Poll Manager), or to edit an existing poll (when you select a poll and click on the 'Edit' button in the Poll Manager).



Details and description[edit]

You will see different fields where you can fill in or edit information of the poll. These are:

Name: Fill in the name of the poll. This field is required.

Alias: This name is a shortened title of the poll, used when using SEF.

Lag: This is the time which must pass before a user may submit another vote in this poll.

Published: Select Yes when you want the section to be published, and No when you do not want the section to be published.

Options: These fields are used for the questions. You may enter up to 12 questions for each poll.

Typical Usage[edit]

Typical Usage Placeholder

This is the most important new section in these Help Screens. This is the meat on the bones of the Help Screen. This should represent the typical basic usage of the screens' functionality in normal use. Write it as a guide not just as a sequence of instructions - except when this is required. Include links to other screens that are needed to complete the function effectively. Use paragraph format type and do not add extra white space. Ensure that you use the correct styles for inline emphasis and notices.

Please remove this placeholder as soon as you start entering text here.


At the top right you will see the toolbar:

File:Screen newsfeeds edit toolbar.png

The functions are:

Save: Save the feed and return to the main screen of the Poll Manager

Apply: Save the feed , but stay in the Poll Manager New or Edit screen.

Cancel: Go back to the main screen of the Poll Manager, without saving the feed you edited or created.

Help: Open the Help Screen for the Poll Manager: New/Edit. That is the same screen as this Help Screen.

Points to Watch[edit]

Points to Watch Placeholder

Highlight known issues or easy traps that can be fallen into when using this function. Include references to known solutions rather than repeating the solutions here, unless considered essential. Even if there are none immediately apparent leave this section in the Help Screen - this message for future reference. Just replace this message with None Known at this Time. Use paragraph format type and do not add extra white space. Ensure that you use the correct styles for inline emphasis and notices.

Please remove this placeholder as soon as you start entering text here.


Dependencies Placeholder

Describe other screens that rely on the presence of this function or that this function relies upon, in order to work correctly for example: a Category depends upon the presence of a Section (up) and it must be in place before a Categorised Article (down) can be created. If there are no Dependencies either up or down for the particular screen just state None but do include the section. Use paragraph format type and do not add extra white space. Ensure that you use the correct styles for inline emphasis and notices. It will probably be sufficient to just list these and provide links to the Help Screens relating to the dependency.

Please remove this placeholder as soon as you start entering text here.