
Components Article Manager Options/pt

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{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Components_Options_Description_Menu_Items/en|articles|Articles}}

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_By_Menu/en|Content,Articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_By_Button/en|Options|toolbar}}.




Article Options are divided into 9 groups as follows. Each controls the appearance of the listed type of layout.

Click on a tab to view options specific to each group.



{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Layout/en|Choose a Layout|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Title/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Linked_Titles/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Intro_Text/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Position_of_Article_Info/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Article_Info_Title/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Category/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Link_Category/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Parent/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Link_Parent/en||}}


  • Use Image Flags. (Yes/No) Display language choice as image flags.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Author/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Link_Author/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Create_Date/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Modify_Date/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Publish_Date/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Navigation/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Voting/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Read_More/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Title_with_Read_More/en|}}

  • Read More Limit. (100) If the title is included with the Read More text, the maximum number of characters from the title to include. This can prevent the Read More text to become excessively long if the article has a very long title.


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Icons/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Print_Icon/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Email_Icon/en||}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Hits/en||}}

  • Record Hits. (Yes/No) Record the number of hits.


Editing Layout



*Show Publishing Options. (Show/Hide) If Hide, the Publishing Options slider in the Article Screen will not show. This means that Backend users will not be able to edit the fields: **Start Publishing, **Finish Publishing, **Created Date, **Created by,

**Created by alias.

These fields will always be set to their default values.

*Show Article Options. (Show/Hide) If Hide, the Article Options slider in the Article Screen will not show. This means that Backend users will not be able to edit the fields in this slider. These fields will always be set to their default values. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Versions/en}}

*Frontend Images and Links. (Show/Hide) If Show, the Images and Links fields will show in the Frontend article editor screen. These fields allow users to optionally enter 2 images and 3 links in an easy-to-use form in the Frontend. When used with a single-article override, this can allow the site administrator to create a simple form for users to create standard article layouts.

*Administrator Images and Links. (Show/Hide) If Show, the Images and Links slider will show in the Article Screen.

*URL A Target Window. Sets the default value for the target for the first Link in the article. Choices are: **Open in parent window: Opens the in the main browser window, replacing the current Joomla article. **Open in new window: Opens the link in a new browser window. **Open in popup: Opens the link in a pop-up browser window (without full navigation controls). **Modal: Opens the link in a modal pop-up window.

*URL B Target Window. Sets the default value for the target for the second Link in the article. Same options as URL A.

*URL C Target Window. Sets the default value for the target for the third Link in the article. Same options as URL A.

*Intro Image Float. (Right/Left/None) Sets the float attribute for an Intro Image selected in the Intro Image field.

*Full Text Image Float. (Right/Left/None) Sets the float attribute for an Full Article Image selected in the Full Article Image field. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Category_Header/en}} Category Options control how articles will show when you drill down to a Category to view its articles.


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Layout_Category/en|Blog/List}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Subcategories_Text/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Category_Title/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Category_Description/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Category_Image/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Subcategory_Levels/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Empty_Categories/en|2=}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_No_Articles_Message/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Subcategories_Descriptions/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Number_Items_in_Category/en|3=}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Tags/en|the category|2=|3=}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Categories_Header/en}} Categories Options control the display of the List All Categories menu item.


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Top_Level_Category_Description/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Subcategory_Levels/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Empty_Categories/en|2=}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Subcategories_Descriptions/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Number_Items_in_Category/en|3=}}

===Blog/Featured Layouts=== These options control the layout of the Category Blog and Featured Articles layouts.


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Number_Leading_Articles/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Number_Intro_Articles/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Number_Columns/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Number_Links/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Multi_Column_Order/en|}}{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Include_Subcategories/en|}}

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_List_Layouts_Header/en}} These options control the appearance of the Category List layout. These settings are referred to as 'Use Global' in menu items.


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Display_Select/en|articles|2=}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Menu_Filter_Field/en|}}{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Table_Headings/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Date/en|2=}}{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Date_Format/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Hits_in_List/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Author_in_List/en|}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Shared_Header/en}} These options are shared by a number of the articles menu item types.


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Category_Order/en|}}{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Article_Order/en|}}{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Date_for_Ordering/en}} *Pagination. Provides page links at the bottom of the page that allow the User to navigate to additional pages. These are needed if the articles will not fit on one page. The following options are available. **Auto: Pagination links shown if needed. **Show: Pagination links shown if needed. **Hide: Pagination links not shown. Note: In this case, Users will not be able to navigate to additional pages. *Pagination Results. (Show/Hide) Show or Hide the current page number and total pages (e.g., "Page 1 of 2") at the bottom of each page. *Featured Articles. Show, Hide or Only display featured articles. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Integration_Header/en}} These options control the display of other extensions.


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Integration_News_Feeds/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Show_Feed_Link/en|}}

*Include in Feed. (Intro Text/Full Text) If Intro Text, only the article's intro text will show in the feed. Otherwise, the entire text of the article will show.

*Show "Read More". (Show/Hide) Show or Hide a "Read more" link in the news feed. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Integration_Routing/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_URL_Routing/en}}


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Enable_Custom_Fields_Options/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Form_Permissions_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Manage/en}}


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Change/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Select_Group/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Find_Action/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Configure_ACL_Options/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Configure_Options_Only/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Access_Administration_Interface/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Create/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Delete/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Edit/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Edit_State/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Edit_Own/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Edit_Custom_Field_Value/en|articles}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Select/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Inherited/en|this site}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Allowed/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Denied/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Permissions_Save/en}}

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Position/en}}


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Function/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Save/en|Article options}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_SaveAndClose/en|Article options}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Cancel/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Help/en}}

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Quick_Tips_Header/en}} *If you are a beginning user, you can just keep the default values here until you learn more about using global options. *If you are an advanced user, you can save time by creating good default values here. When you set up menu items and create articles, you will be able to accept the default values for most options. *For example, to show the 'Create Date' for an article in your Articles menu items, then set that option to "Show" here and it will be the default value. *All values set here can be overridden at the menu item, category, or article level.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Related_Information_Header/en}} * Date Format: For example, you can use D M Y for day month year or d-m-y for a short version eg. 28-12-16. If left blank, it uses DATE_FORMAT_LC1 from your language file. Learn more about format strings: PHP-Manual.

* To create and edit articles and article categories: Article Manager {{Chunk30:Help_screen_component_options_permissions_conclusion/en}}