Components Privacy Request
From Joomla! Documentation
Revision as of 06:16, 27 March 2022 by Franz.wohlkoenig (talk | contribs) (Marked this version for translation)
Revision as of 06:16, 27 March 2022 by Franz.wohlkoenig (talk | contribs) (Marked this version for translation)
This is where you can review an information request and the related action log.
How to Access[edit]
- Select Users → Privacy from the dropdown menu of the Administrator Panel
- Select Requests in the left sidebar
- Select the email address of the request you want to review.
Form Fields[edit]
Request Information
- Email. The email address of the individual owning the information being requested.
- Status. The status of the information request.
- Invalid: The information request has been invalidated by a Super User.
- Pending: The user hasn't yet confirmed their information request (Quick Tip).
- Confirmed: The user has confirmed their information request.
- Completed: The information request has been completed by a Super User.
- Request Type. Displays the 2 different types of request.
- Export: When a user has sent a request for an export of their data.
- Remove: When a user has sent a request to be removed.
- Date Requested. Date and time when the information request has been created.
Action Log (Action/Date/Name) All actions performed related to the individual owning the information being requested.
At the top, you will see a toolbar with different actions according to the status of the information request.
Toolbar status Confirmed
- Complete. Allows a Super user to mark an information request as 'Completed'.
- Invalidate. Allows a Super user to mark an information request as 'Invalid'.
- Export Data. Allows a Super user to export as an xml file the data of the individual owning the information being requested.
- Email Data Export. Allows a Super user to email the data export to the email address linked to the Export Request.
- Delete Data. Allows a Super user to delete the data related to the user. The personal data will be automatically anonymised. Note: Only shown if request type is 'Remove'.
- Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made.
- Help. Opens this help screen.
Toolbar status Pending
Toolbar status Completed or Invalid
Quick Tips[edit]
- Users have 2 ways to confirm:
- by visiting the URL mentioned in the email sent to the user or
- by copying the token from the email and paste it into the form in the given URL. The token is valid for 24 hours.