
Components Redirect Manager/nl

From Joomla! Documentation

Revision as of 05:27, 16 April 2022 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
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{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Description_Overview/en|Redirects}} Redirects are primarily used for redirecting URLs for web pages that no longer exist on your website to web pages that are working. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_How_To_Access_By_Menu/en|Components,Redirects}}. {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Screenshot_Header/en}}


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Description/en|redirects}}


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Checkbox/en|redirects}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Status/en|redirect's}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Expired_URL/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_New_URL/en}}

  • Referring Page. The referring web page for the redirect.


  • 404 Hits. Number of 404 Hits there has been on this URL.
  • Status Code. The Status Code of the page.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Header_Id/en|redirect}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Sort_Number/en|Expired URL ascending}}


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Sort_Number_Description/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Order/en|Expired URL ascending}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Column_Filtering_Number/en|redirects}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters_Description/en|redirects}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters_Search_Tools/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_List_Filters_Search_Tools_Boxes/en|2}}



Below the listing of redirects, is a section named 'Batch update new URL(s)'. This function allows you to change the 'New URL' for the selected redirects.

  • New URL. The destination URL to set for the selected redirects.
  • Comment. The comment to set for the selected redirects.
  • Update Links. Updates all selected redirects with the specified New URL and Comment.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Position/en}}


{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Toolbar_Function/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_New/en|redirect}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Edit/en|redirect}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Enable/en|redirects}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Disable/en|redirects}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Archive/en|redirects}}

  • Bulk Import. Bulk process to add new URLs.
  • Purge Disabled. Deletes all disabled links. URL's that are still enabled will not be deleted.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Trash/en|redirects}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Help/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_toolbar_icon_Options/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Quick_Tips_Header/en}}

  • The URL you want to redirect from must not be a working one on your website which actually loads a web page. It can be the URL to a web page which you have disabled in the Joomla Backend administrator interface.
  • The Expired URL you specify when you create the redirect should be the full URL as you would type it in your web browser. The component will only display the last portion of the source URL in the redirect listing. The New URL you specify when you create a redirect must be the full URL as well.

In order for your redirects to work, you must

  1. enable the Redirect Plugin in Plugins.
  1. enable the option 'Use URL Rewriting' in the Global Configuration options of your Joomla installation.
  1. rename the htaccess.txt file in the web site directory where you installed Joomla to .htaccess or to whatever file name your Apache web server requires for additional configuration directives. In the Apache configuration file this setting is named 'AccessFileName' and by default this is set to '.htaccess'.

{{Chunk30:Help_screen_Related_Information_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screens_Header/en}} {{Chunk30:Help_screen_Redirect_Related/en|1=Redirect (this screen)}}