
Help310:Extensions Module Manager Admin Login

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This Module displays a Username and Password Login form. It should not be unpublished.

How to Access

Add a new module 'Login Form'

  • Select Extensions  Modules from the dropdown menu of the Administrator Panel.
  • Select from the dropdown menu at the top Administrator
  • Click the New button in the toolbar
  • Select the Module Type Login Form.

Edit an existing module 'Login Form'

  • Click on the module's Title in Module.



Form Fields

  • Title. The title of the module. This is also the title displayed in the Backend for the module.


  • Encrypt Login Form. (Yes/No) Submit encrypted login data using HTTPS (encrypted HTTP connections with the https:// protocol prefix).
    Note: You must have HTTPS enabled on your server to utilise this option.

Module sidebar
  • Show Title. (Show/Hide) Show or hide module title on display. Note: Effect will depend on the module style (chrome) in the template.
  • Position. You may select a module position from the list of pre-defined positions or enter your own module position by typing the name in the field and pressing enter.
  • Status. (Published/Unpublished/Trashed) The published status of the module.
  • Start Publishing. Date and time to start publishing. Use this field if you want to enter content ahead of time and then have it published automatically at a future time.
  • Finish Publishing. Date and time to finish publishing. Use this field if you want to have content automatically changed to Unpublished state at a future time (for example, when it is no longer applicable).
  • Access. Who has access to this module.
    • Public: Everyone has access.
    • Guest: Everyone has access.
    • Registered: Only registered users have access.
    • Special: Only users with author status or higher have access.
    • Super Users: Only super users have access.
  • Ordering. This shows a dropdown of every module in the position that the current module is in. This is the order that the modules will display in when displayed on in the Backend as well as in Modules.
  • Note. Module note. This is normally for the site administrator's use (for example, to document information about this module) and does not show in the Frontend of the site.


  • Layout. If you have defined one or more alternative layouts for a module either in the template or Joomla Core, you can select the layout to use for this module.
  • Module Class Suffix. A suffix applied to the CSS class of the module. This allows you to create customized CSS styles that will apply just to this module. You would then modify the template.css or custom.css file of your template to apply styling to this new class.
    • Enter this parameter with a leading space to create a new CSS class for this module.
    • Enter the parameter without a leading space to change the CSS class name for this module.
  • Module Tag. The HTML tag for the module to be placed in. By default this is a div tag but other HTML5 elements (address, article, …) can also be used.
  • Bootstrap Size. (0/…/12) This allows you to choose the width of the module via the span element built into bootstrap.
  • Header Tag. (h1/h2/h3/h4/h5/h6/p/div) The HTML tag to use for the modules header or title. Note: You must use a module style (chrome) of html5 or add your custom module styles in [yourtemplate]/html/modules.php.
  • Header Class. Add optional CSS classes to the modules header or title element.
  • Module Style. Override the templates style for its position.


Manage the permission settings for user groups.


To change the permissions for this module, do the following.

1. Select the Group by clicking its title located on the left.
2. Find the desired Action. Possible Actions are:
  • Delete. Users can delete content of this module.
  • Edit. Users can edit content of this module.
  • Edit State. Users can change the published state and related information for content of this module.
  • Frontend Editing. Allows users in the group to edit in Frontend.
3. Select the desired Permission for the action you wish to change. Possible settings are:
  • Inherited: Inherited for users in this Group from the module options permissions of this site.
  • Allowed: Allowed for users in this Group. Note that, if this action is Denied at one of the higher levels, the Allowed permission here will not take effect. A Denied setting cannot be overridden.
  • Denied: Denied for users in this Group.
4. Click Save in Toolbar at top. When the screen refreshes, the Calculated Setting column will show the effective permission for this Group and Action.


At the top left you will see the toolbar.


The functions are:

  • Save. Saves the module and stays in the current screen.
  • Save & Close. Saves the module and closes the current screen.
  • Save & New. Saves the module and keeps the editing screen open and ready to create another module.
  • Save as Copy. Saves your changes to a copy of the current module. Does not affect the current module.
    Note: This toolbar icon is only shown if you edit an existing module.
  • Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.

Related Information

  • More about Modules: what is a module position, Description of the default Site and Administrator Modules.