
Articles: Edit

From Joomla! Documentation

Revision as of 00:17, 19 May 2022 by Franz.wohlkoenig (talk | contribs) (Marked this version for translation)
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This screen is used for editing a new or existing Article, usually using a Wysiwyg editor. The default editor is TinyMCE but if other editors are installed the default editor may be set to something else for the site as a whole or for individual users.

Most parameters have suitable defaults but you might wish to set a specific Category or provide article-specific Metadata.

How to Access[edit]

To add a new article, starting from the Administrator menu:

  • Select Home Dashboard  Site panel  Articles + button. Or...
  • Select Content  Articles + button. Or...
  • Select Content  Articles. Then...
    • Select the New button in the Toolbar.

To edit an existing article, starting from the Articles list:

  • Select an article Title in the list of Articles.


Articles: Edit

  • The Articles: New and Articles: Edit screens have similar toolbar buttons.
  • The Articles: New does not have the Save as Copy or Versions toolbar buttons.

Form Fields[edit]

  • Title. The Title for this item. This may or may not display on the page, depending on the parameter values you choose.
  • Alias. The internal name of the item. Normally, you can leave this blank and Joomla will fill in a default value Title in lower case and with dashes instead of spaces. Learn more.

Content Tab[edit]

  • Article Text. This is where you enter the contents of the article. The editor you use depends on the settings for your site and your user. Joomla core includes 3 editor options: TinyMCE (the default), CodeMirror, and None.

    Editor CMS Content[edit]

    The Article WYSIWYG Editor is configurable and may have a different set of buttons than shown below. The CMS Content dropdown list provides for access to special features.

    Article editor buttons

    Article: This button opens a window that allows you to easily create a link to any article on the current site. The link is created using the article's title as the link text.


    To create a link to the desired article:

    • Place the cursor at the point in the article where you want the linked article title to be inserted.
    • Click on the Article button to open the window.
    • Click on the title to select the desired article in the window. You can use search and the filters to help find the desired article.
    • A link with the article's title will be inserted at the current cursor location.
    • If needed, you can edit the link text.

    Contact: This button opens a window that allows you to easily create a link to any contact on the current site. The link is created using the Contacts title as the link text.


    To create a link to the desired contact:

    • Place the cursor at the point in the article where you want the linked contact title to be inserted.
    • Click on the Contact button to open the window.
    • Click on the title to select the desired contact in the window. You can use the filters and search to help find the desired contact.
    • A link with the contacts title will be inserted at the current cursor location.
    • If needed, you can edit the link text.

    Media: This button provides an easy way to insert a media into an Article. Images may be inserted from the 'images' folder and may also be uploaded. When you click the Image button, a window pops up, as shown below:


    To insert the desired media:

    • Place the cursor at the point in the article where you want the media to be inserted.
    • Click on the Media button to open the modal window.
    • Click on the media in the modal window and the button 'Insert Media'.
    • The media will be inserted at the current cursor location.

    Menu: This button opens a window that allows you to easily create a link to any menu on the current site. The link is created using the Menu's title as the link text.


    To create a link to the desired menu:

    • Place the cursor at the point in the article where you want the linked menu title to be inserted.
    • Click on the Menu button to open the window.
    • Click on the title to select the desired menu in the window. You can use the filters and search to help find the desired menu.
    • A link with the menu's title will be inserted at the current cursor location.
    • If needed, you can edit the link text.

    Module: This button opens a window that allows you to easily create a link to any module on the current site. The link is created using the module's title as the link text.


    To create a link to the desired module:

    • Place the cursor at the point in the article where you want the linked module title to be inserted.
    • Click on the Module button to open the window.
    • Click on the title to select the desired module in the window. You can use the filters and search to help find the desired module.
    • A link with the module's title will be inserted at the current cursor location.
    • If needed, you can edit the link text.

    Fields: This button opens a window that allows you to easily create a link to any field on the current site. The link is created using the fields title as the link text.


    To create a link to the desired field:

    • Place the cursor at the point in the article where you want the linked field title to be inserted.
    • Click on the Field button to open the window.
    • Click on the title to select the desired field in the window. You can use the filters and search to help find the desired field.
    • A link with the fields title will be inserted at the current cursor location.
    • If needed, you can edit the link text.

    Page Break: This button allows you to insert a pagebreak inside an Article. A pagebreak allows for page navigation when the article is displayed on a layout. This is useful for long articles. When this button is pressed, a window is displayed as shown below:

    • Page Title. Enter the title to display for the new page (for example, 'Page 2').
    • Table of Contents Alias. Optional field to display in the table of contents for this page. In a multi-page article, Joomla displays a 'table of contents' for the page that allows the user to select any page. If this field is blank, the Page Title will be used. If you want a different title in the table of contents, enter it here.
    • Insert Page Break. Click this button to insert the pagebreak with the entered fields. The Pagebreak will display as a gray dashed line across the Article. Note that a pagebreak cannot be edited. If you need to change a field in the pagebreak, click on the Article just past the pagebreak, press Backspace until the pagebreak is deleted, then insert a new pagebreak with the desired information.

    Read More: This button inserts a 'Read more...' break in the Article. This shows as a red dotted line across the Article. If an Article has a 'Read more...' break, only the text before the break, called the Intro Text, will initially display, along with a 'Read more...' link. If the User clicks this link, either the entire Article or just the part after the 'Read more...' link is displayed. This depends on the setting of the 'Intro Text' parameters for the Article and in the Global Configuration. The 'Read more...' break allows you to save space on pages by just showing the Intro Text. Note that the 'Read more...' break only shows in the Front Page, Section, and Category Blog layouts. If you want to insert breaks for an Article shown in an Article Layout, use the Page Break button. Beneath the Edit area:

    Toggle Editor. A Toggle Editor button show below the edit window. This button allows you to toggle between the TinyMCE editor and No Editor.

Right Panel

  • Status. The published status of this item.
    • Published: Item is visible in the Frontend of the site.
    • Unpublished: Item is will not be visible to guests in the Frontend of the site. It may be visible to logged in users who have edit state permission for the item.
    • Archived: Item will no longer show on blog or list menu items.
    • Trashed: Item is deleted from the site but still in the database. It can be permanently deleted from the database with the Empty Trash function in Toolbar (see also Deleting an Article).
  • Category. Select the Category for this Article from the dropdown list box.
  • Featured. Select Yes if item will be shown in the Featured menu item.
  • Access. Select the viewing access level for this item from the list box. The access levels that display will depend on the what has been set up for this site in Users → Access Levels. Note that access levels are separate from ACL permissions. Access levels control what a user can see. ACL permissions control what actions a user can perform.
  • Language. Select the language for this item. If you are not using the multi-language feature of Joomla, keep the default of 'All'.
  • Tags. Assign tags to content items. You may select a tag from the pre-defined list or enter a new tag by typing the name in the field and pressing enter.
  • Note. This is normally for the site administrator's use (for example, to document information about this item) and does not show in the Frontend of the site.
  • Version Note. Optional field to identify this version of the item in the item's Version History window.

Images and Links Tab[edit]

Note: This can be hidden by a user with Admin permissions in the Article Options.
This section lets you display images and links in your articles using standardized layouts.


Intro Image

  • Intro Image. Click the Select button to select an image to be displayed in a fixed location in the Intro Text of an article. This will open a modal window that allows you to select an image from your images folder. See Editor Buttons for more information on working with images. After you have selected an image, you can hover the mouse on the "Preview" text to see a preview of the image.
  • Image Description (Alt Text). Set the alt attribute for this image. A few descriptive words for screen readers.
  • No Description. Check in the rare instance of a purely decorative image. Note that if the Image Description is empty and the No Description checkbox is unchecked then the image will fail to meet accessibility criteria. If an image description is present this checkbox has no effect.
  • Image Class. Set if you wish to apply your own custom class to the image.
  • Caption. Create a caption for the this image.

Full Article Image

  • Full Article Image. Click the Select button to select an image to be displayed in a fixed location in the Full Text of an article. This will open a modal window that allows you to select an image from your images folder. See Editor Buttons for more information on working with images. After you have selected an image, you can hover the mouse on the "Preview" text to see a preview of the image.
  • Image Description (Alt Text). Set the alt attribute for this image. A few descriptive words for screen readers.
  • No Description. Check in the rare instance of a purely decorative image. Note that if the Image Description is empty and the No Description checkbox is unchecked then the image will fail to meet accessibility criteria. If an image description is present this checkbox has no effect.
  • Image Class. Set if you wish to apply your own custom class to the image.
  • Caption. Enter an optional caption for the this image.

Link A

  • Link A. The URL for the first link to be displayed in a fixed location in the article text. This must be a full URL, not relative. For example, it normally would start with 'https://'.
  • Link A Text. The text used for Link A. If blank, the URL will be displayed.
  • URL Target Window. Sets the default value for the target for the first Link in the article. Choices are:
    • Open in parent window: Opens the link in the main browser window, replacing the current Joomla article.
    • Open in new window: Opens the link in a new browser window.
    • Open in pop up: Opens the link in a pop-up browser window (without full navigation controls).
    • Modal: Opens the link in a modal pop-up window.

Link B

  • Link B. The URL for the second link to be displayed in a fixed location in the article text. This must be a full URL, not relative. For example, it normally would start with 'https://'.
  • Link B Text. The text used for Link B. If blank, the URL will be displayed.
  • URL Target Window. The target for the URL. Same options as 'Link A'.

Link C

  • Link C. The URL for the third link to be displayed in a fixed location in the article text. This must be a full URL, not relative. For example, it normally would start with 'https://'.
  • Link C Text. The text used for Link C. If blank, the URL will be displayed.
  • URL Target Window. The target for the URL. Same options as 'Link A'.

Options Tab[edit]

Note: This can be hidden by a user with Admin permissions in the Article Options.
This is a set of options you can use to control how this article will show in the Featured or Category blog layout. Joomla allows you to set these options at the following levels:

  1. In Articles → Options
  2. When you set up a Category Blog or Featured Articles menu item.
  3. When you create the article here.

When you create the blog menu item, you can set each of these options as follows:

  • Use Global: Uses the setting from Articles → Options
  • Yes/No or Hide/Show: Use the setting in that menu item.
  • Use Article Settings: Use the setting set here for the specific article. This allows you to show different articles with different options in the same blog page. For example, one article might show the author and a different article might not show the author.

The following Article Options can be set:

  • Layout. Use a layout from the supplied component view or overrides in the templates.
  • Title. Whether or not to show the Article's Title.
  • Linked Titles. If the Article's Title is shown, whether to show it as a link to the article.
  • Tags. Enter one or more optional tags for this item. You can select existing tags by entering in the first few letters. You may also create new tags by entering them here. Tags allow you to see lists of related items across content types (for example, articles, contacts, and categories).
  • Intro Text. If set to Show, the Intro Text of the article will show when you drill down to the article. If set to Hide, only the part of the article after the "Read More" break will show.
  • Position of Article Info.
    • Above: Puts the article information block above the text.
    • Below: Puts the article information block below the text.
    • Split: Splits the article information block into 2 separate blocks. One block is above and the other is below the text.
  • Article Info Title. Displays the 'Article Info' title on top of the article information block.
  • Category. Whether or not to show the Article's Category.
  • Link Category. If the Article's Category is shown, whether to show it as a link to a Category layout (list or blog) for that Category.
  • Parent Category. Whether or not to show the Article's Parent Category.
  • Link Parent Category. If the Article's Parent Category is shown, whether to show it as a link to a Category layout (list or blog) for that Category.
  • Associations. Multilingual only. If set to Show, the associated articles flags or URL Language Code will be displayed.
  • Author. Whether to show the author of the Article.
  • Link to Author's Contact Page. If the Article's author is shown, whether to show it as a link to a Contact layout for that author. Note that the author must be set up as a Contact in Contact: Edit.
  • Create Date. Whether or not to show the Article's create date.
  • Modify Date. Whether or not to show the Article's modify date.
  • Publish Date. Whether or not to show the Article's start publishing date.
  • Navigation. Whether or not to show a navigation link (for example, Next or Previous article) when you drill down to the article.
  • Show Icons. (Use Global/Hide/Show). If set to Show, Print and Email will use icons instead of text.
  • Show Print. (Use Global/Hide/Show). Show or Hide the Print Article button.
  • Show Email. (Use Global/Hide/Show). Show or Hide the Email Article button.
  • Show Voting. (Use Global/Hide/Show). Whether or not to show the a voting icon for the article.
  • Hits. Show or Hide the number of times the article has been hit (displayed by a user).
  • Unauthorised Links. If Yes, the Intro Text for restricted articles will show. Clicking on the 'Read more' link will require users to log in to view the full article content.
  • Positioning of the Links.
    • Above: Links are shown above the content.
    • Below: Links are shown below the content.
  • Read More Text. Optional field that allows you to customize the text that shows for a "read more" link. The default wording for English is "Read more".
  • Browser Page Title. Optional text for the "Browser page title" element to be used when the article is viewed with a non-article menu item. If blank, the article's title is used instead.

Fields Tab[edit]

This section shows the custom fields which are defined for this article. Tutorial: Adding custom fields.


Publishing Tab[edit]

Note: This can be hidden by a user with Admin permissions in the Article Options.
This section allows you to enter parameters and metadata for this Article. Metadata is information about the Article that is not displayed but is available to Search Engines and other systems to classify the Article. This gives you more control over how the content will be analyzed by these programs. All of these entries are optional. Metadata is shown inside HTML meta elements.

These entries are optional. Joomla automatically creates default entries for these values. Help-4x-Content-Article-Manager-Edit-publishing-options-subscreen-en.png

  • Start Publishing. Date and time to start publishing. Use this field if you want to enter content ahead of time and then have it published automatically at a future time.
  • Finish Publishing. Date and time to finish publishing. Use this field if you want to have content automatically changed to Unpublished state at a future time (for example, when it is no longer applicable).
  • Created Date. This field defaults to the current time when the Article was created. You can enter in a different date and time or click on the calendar icon to find the desired date.
  • Created By. Name of the Joomla User who created this item. This will default to the currently logged-in user. If you want to change this to a different user, click the Select User button to select a different user.
  • Created by Alias. This optional field allows you to enter in an alias for this Author for this Article. This allows you to display a different Author name for this Article.
  • Modified Date. Date of last modification.
  • Modified By. Username who performed the last modification.
  • Revision. Number of revisions to this item.
  • Hits. The number of times an item has been viewed.
  • ID. This is a unique identification number for this item assigned automatically by Joomla. It is used to identify the item internally, and you cannot change this number. When creating a new item, this field displays "0" until you save the new entry, at which point a new ID is assigned to it.
  • Meta Description. An optional paragraph to be used as the description of the page in the HTML output. This will generally display in the results of search engines. If entered, this creates an HTML meta element with a name attribute of 'description' and a content attribute equal to the entered text.
  • Keywords. Optional entry for keywords. Must be entered separated by commas (for example, "cats, dogs, pets") and may be entered in upper or lower case. (For example, "CATS" will match "cats" or "Cats"). Keywords can be used in several ways:
    1. To help Search Engines and other systems classify the content of the Article.
    2. In combination with Banner tags, to display specific Banners based on the Article content. For example, say you have one Banner with an ad for dog products and another Banner for cat products. You can have your dog Banner display when a User is viewing a dog-related Article and your cat Banner display for a cat-related Article. To do this, you would:
      • Add the keywords "dog" and "cat" to the appropriate Articles.
      • Add the Tags "dog" and "cat" to the appropriate Banners in Banners: Edit.
      • Set the Banner module Parameter 'Search By Tags' to "Yes" in Site Modules: Banners.
    3. For articles only, in combination with the 'Articles - Related' module, to display Articles that share at least one keyword in common. For example, if the current Article displayed has the keywords "cats, dogs, monkeys", any other Articles with at least one of these keywords will show in the 'Articles - Related' module.
  • Robots. The instructions for web 'robots' that browse to this page.
    • index, follow: Index this page and follow the links on this page.
    • noindex, follow: Do not index this page, but still follow the links on the page. For example, you might do this for a site map page where you want the links to be indexed but you don't want this page to show in search engines.
    • index, nofollow: Index this page, but do not follow any links on the page. For example, you might want to do this for an events calendar, where you want the page to show in search engines but you do not want to index each event.
    • noindex, nofollow: Do not index this page or follow any links on the page.
    • Use Global: Set in Global Configuration: Metadata Settings.
  • Author. Optional entry for an Author name within the metadata. If entered, this creates an HTML meta element with the name attribute of 'author' and the content attribute as entered here.
  • Content Rights. Describe what rights others have to use this content.

Configure Edit Screen Tab[edit]

Note: This can be hidden by a user with Admin permissions in the Article Options.
On some installations you may need to save the Content Options in order for these options to work. Help-4x-screenshot-article-edit-configure-edit-screen-en.png

  • Show Publishing Options. (Use Global/No/Yes). If No, the Publishing Options tab in this screen (Articles: Add/Edit Screen) will not show. This means that backend users will not be able to edit the fields Created by, Created by alias, Created Date, Start Publishing, or Finish Publishing. These fields will always be set to their default values.
  • Show Article Options. (Use Global/No/Yes). If No, the Article Options tab in this screen (Articles: Add/Edit Screen) will not show. This means that backend users will not be able to edit the fields in this tab. These fields will always be set to their default values.
  • Administrator Images and Links. (Use Global/No/Yes). If Yes, the Images and Links will show in this screen (Articles: Add/Edit Screen).
  • Frontend Images and Links. (Use Global/No/Yes). If Yes, the Images and Links fields will show in the Frontend article editor screen. These fields allow users to optionally enter two images and three links in an easy-to-use form in the Frontend. When used with a single-article override, this can allow the site administrator to create a simple form for users to create standard article layouts.

Permissions Tab[edit]

Note: This can be hidden by a user with Admin permissions in the Article Options.
This is where you can enter permissions for this one article.

Joomla lets you set permissions for articles at 4 levels, as follows.

  1. Globally, using Global Configuration.
  2. For all articles, using Articles Options.
  3. For all articles in a category, using Category.
  4. For an individual article, using this screen.

To change the permissions for this article, do the following.

  • Select the Group by clicking its title.
  • Find the desired Action. Possible Actions are:
    • Delete. Users can delete this article.
    • Edit. Users can edit this article.
    • Edit State. User can change the published state and related information for this article.
  • Select the desired permission for the action you wish to change. Possible settings are:
    • Inherited: Inherited for users in this Group from the Global Configuration, Articles Options, or Category permissions.
    • Allowed: Allowed for users in this Group. Note that, if this action is Denied at one of the higher levels, the Allowed permission here will not take effect. A Denied setting cannot be overridden.
    • Denied: Denied for users in this Group.
  • Click Save. When the screen refreshes, the Calculated Setting column will show the effective permission for this Group and Action.


At the top of the page you will see the toolbar shown in the Screenshot above. The functions are:

  • Save. Saves the item and stays in the current screen.
  • Save & Close. Saves the item and closes the current screen.
  • Save & New. Saves the item and keeps the editing screen open and ready to create another item.
  • Save as Copy. Saves your changes to a copy of the current item. Does not affect the current item. This toolbar icon is not shown if you are creating a new item.
  • Cancel. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made. Or
  • Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made. This toolbar icon is not shown if you are creating a new item.
  • Versions. Opens the Item Version History window to show any prior versions of this item. This allows you to view older versions of this item and, if desired, restore from an older version. See Version History for more information.
  • Preview. Opens a modal dialog showing a site view of this article. (Requires shared sessions or being logged in into the Frontend).
  • Associations. With a specific language set for an item, allows side by side editing in another language. This toolbar icon is shown on Multilingual Sites only.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.

Quick Tips[edit]

  • There are two methods to insert an image into article using the TinyMCE editor. The CMS Content drop down list provides access to the Media screen that lets you browse image files and upload images. The Insert drop down is a simple form for which you need to know the image url. It is used for external images.
  • 'Read more...' breaks allow you to save space on the Front Page or on any blog layout page by showing just the first portion of an Article. 'Pagebreaks' allow you to provide multi-page navigation for long Articles. You can use both on one Article, if desired. For example, you could put a 'Read more...' break after the first paragraph of a multi-page article, and have Pagebreaks after each page. No page navigation would display on the Front Page until the User selects the 'Read more...' link. At that time, the Article's table of contents would display showing links to every page.
  • To set options for the TinyMCE editor: TinyMCE Editor Plugin
  • To set options for the CodeMirror editor: CodeMirror Editor Plugin

Related Information[edit]

  • This Portal brings together information related specifically to Joomla 4.
Related Help Screens Description
Articles: Options Used to set global defaults for menu items that display articles. These default values will be used when 'Use Global' is selected for an option in an Articles menu item.
Articles The Article list is used to find, mark featured, add and edit articles.
Articles: Edit This is where you can add and edit Articles. You can also select the Category for an Article and indicate whether or not it is Published and if it is selected to appear on the Front Page.
Articles: Featured Used to control which 'Featured Articles' are displayed on the Front Page and in what order they are displayed.
Articles: Categories The Articles Categories list is used to find, add, and edit articles categories.
Menus: Archived Articles Shows a customised list of articles ordered by date or title. Archived articles are no longer published but are still stored on the site.
Menus: Category Blog Used to show articles belonging to a specific Category in a blog layout. Controls the Leading Articles, Intro Articles and additional links to more Articles.
Menus: Category List Used to show articles belonging to a specific Category in a list layout.
Menus: Create Article Allows users to submit an article. Normally this is available only to users who have logged in to the Frontend of the site. Users must have permission to create articles.
Menus: Featured Articles Used to show all Articles that have been tagged as Featured. Articles are shown in a Blog Layout.
Menus: List All Categories in an Article Category Tree Used to show a hierarchical list of Categories. Depending on the selected options for this layout, you can click on a category Title to show the articles in that category.
Menus: Single Article Used to show one article.