
Extensions: Manage

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This screen is used to Enable or Disable extensions, equivalent Publish and Unpublish it, or to uninstall extensions no longer required.

How to Access[edit]

  • Select System  Manage Panel  Extensions from the Administrator menus.



Column Headers[edit]

In the table containing Extensions, the columns are shown below. Click on a column heading to sort the list by that column's value.

  • Checkbox. Check this box to select one or more items. To select all items, check the box in the column heading. After one or more boxes are checked, click a toolbar button to take an action on the selected item or items.
  • Status. A green check mark or a red circle showing whether the use of the extension is enabled/disabled. Click the icon to toggle the item between enabled and disabled. A lock indicates a protected Extension.
  • Name. The name of the extension.
  • Location. Specifies if this is a site or administrator extension.
  • Type. The extension type. Some examples of extension types are module, plug-in, template, language or package.
  • Version. The version number of the Extension.
  • Date. The date this extension was released.
  • Author. The author of this extension.
  • Folder. If the extension is a plug-in, the subdirectory of your Joomla! installation's /plugins directory where the extension is located. By default Joomla! has the following subdirectories in the plugins directory which each represent the different types of plug-ins that are defined: authentication, content, editors, editors-xtd, extension, search, system, user.
  • Package ID. The Package ID number. This is a unique identification number for this package assigned automatically by Joomla!. It is used to identify the package internally. You cannot change this number.
  • Id. The ID number. This is a unique identification number for this item assigned automatically by Joomla!. It is used to identify the item internally, for example in internal links. You cannot change this number.

List Filters[edit]

Search bar. Near the top of the page you will see the search bar shown in the Screenshot above.

  • Search by Text. Enter part of the search term and click the Search icon. Hover to see a Tooltip indicating which fields will be searched.
    To 'Search by ID' enter "id:x", where "x" is the ID number (for example, "id:19").
  • Filter Options. Click to display the additional filters.
  • Clear. Click to clear the Filter field and restore the list to its unfiltered state.
  • Ordering. Shows the current list ordering field. 2 ways to change the order:
    • Select from the dropdown list. Ordering may be in ascending or descending order.
    • Click a column heading. The column heading toggles between ascending and descending order.
  • Number to Display. Shows the number of items in a list. Select from the dropdown list to change the number displayed.
    The default for a site is '20' but this may be changed in the Global Configuration.

Filter by Location, Status, Type and Folder[edit]


  • -Select Location-. Select an extension client from the drop-down list box of available locations.
  • Site. Site extensions are extensions which are designed for use in areas outside of the administrator interface.
  • Administrator. Administrator extensions are for the back-end administrative functions of your Joomla! installation. Usually you would only directly interact with these extensions through the administrator web interface.


  • -Select Status-. Select the status of Extensions from the drop-down list box.
  • Disabled. Installed extensions that are not activated.
  • Enabled. Installed extensions that are activated
  • Protected. Installed extensions that are protected. Extensions of this type can not be uninstalled or disabled.
  • Unprotected. Installed extensions that are unprotected. Extensions of this type can be uninstalled, enabled or disabled.

Extension Type

  • -Select Type-. Select the extension type from the drop-down list box of available types.


  • -Select Folder-. Select a plug-in folder from the drop-down list box of available folders. There is a separate folder for each type of plug-in defined in your installation of Joomla.

Automatic Pagination[edit]

Page Controls. When the number of extension(s) is more than one page, you will see a page control bar near the bottom of the page shown in the Screenshot above. The current page number being viewed has a dark colour background.

  • Start. Click to go to the first page.
  • Prev. Click to go to the previous page.
  • Page numbers. Click to go to the desired page.
  • Next. Click to go to the next page.
  • End. Click to go to the last page.


At the top of the page you will see the toolbar shown in the Screenshot above. The functions are:

  • Enable. Makes the selected item available for use on your website.
  • Disable. Makes the selected extension(s) unavailable for use on your website.
  • Refresh cache. Refresh the information displayed for the selected extension(s).
  • Uninstall: Uninstall the selected extension(s).
  • Options. Opens the Options window where settings such as default parameters can be edited.
  • Help. Opens this help screen.

Quick Tips[edit]

  • Throughout the administrator interface of Joomla! you will see the terms "Publish" and "Unpublish". Publish means the same thing as Enable or Activate. Unpublish means the same thing as Disable or Deactivate. You may see the terms used interchangeably in extension screens and help documentation you find online.
  • Some information such as Date or Author may not be displayed for an extension. This is not a problem. It merely means the information was not specified by the extension developer in the extension's installation package.