Hier beginnen
From Joomla! Documentation
Hilfe mit Joomla! 4
Um Hilfe zu einer bestimmten Administratorseite zu erhalten, innerhalb der Joomla-Administration den Button Hilfe in der Symbolleiste auswählen, um weitere Informationen über die Seite zu erhalten. Der Button befindet sich rechts unterhalb der Titelleiste. Beispiel:
A modal dialog will pop up in the middle of the screen containing Help information specific to that page.
Help Screen Version Notice
These Help Screens are for Joomla! Version 4. Sometimes Joomla updates cause a Help screen to differ from the page it is supporting. There may be new or removed options or differences in functionality. Otherwise, all help screens will still function as expected. Remember, you should always update your Joomla! version as soon as possible to benefit from new features and/or security enhancements.
Getting started
If you have only recently started working with Joomla you will probably have experienced the pain of learning a new system. New terminology, new ways of doing things, perhaps even the web itself may be new to you. Then let this guide relieve some of that pain.