
Help4.x:Users: Edit Profile

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The User Edit screen is used to create a new user or edit an existing user.

How to access

To edit an existing user:

  • Select Users  Manage from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • Search for the required user and select the name link in the Name column.

To create a new user:

  • Select Users  Manage from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • Select the New button in the Toolbar.
  • Or... Select Users  Manage  Plus icon from the Administrator menu.
  • Or... Select Users  Dashboard icon from the Administrator menu. Then...
    • Select the Plus icon from the Users panel.
  • Or... Select Home Dashboard  Site Panel  Users Plus icon starting from the Administrator menu.



Form Fields

Account Details

  • Name. Enter the name of the user.
  • Login Name. Enter the login name (Username) for the user.
  • Password. Fill in a (new) password. Although this field is not required, the user will not be able to log in when no password is set.
  • Confirm Password. Fill in the password from the field above again, to verify it. This field is required when you filled in the New password field.
  • Email. Enter an email address for the user.
  • Registration Date. Registration Date of the user.
  • Last Visit Date. Date the user visited the site last time.
  • Last Reset Date. Date and time of last password reset.
  • Password Reset Count. Number of password resets since starting the last reset time.
  • Receive System Emails. (Yes/No) If set to yes, the user will receive system emails.
  • User Status. (Blocked/Enabled) Enable or block this user.
  • Require Password Reset. (Yes/No) If set to yes, the user will have to reset their password the next time they log into the site.
  • ID. Record number in the database.

Assigned User Groups


Basic Settings


  • Backend Template Style. (Use Default/Hathor - Default/isis - Default) Select the template style for the Administrator Backend interface. This will only affect this User.
  • Backend Language. (Use Default/English (United Kingdom)) Select the Language for the Administrator Backend interface. This will only affect this User.
  • Frontend Language. (Use Default/English (United Kingdom)) Select the Language for the frontend interface. This will only affect this User.
  • Editor. (Use Default/Editor - CodeMirror/Editor - None/Editor - TinyMCE) Editor for this user.
  • Time Zone. (Use Default/Abidjan/Accra/Addis Ababa/Algiers/Asmara/...) Time zone for this user.

Accessibility Settings


  • Monochrome. Yes/No
  • High Contrast. Yes/No
  • Highlight Links. Yes/No
  • Increase Font Size. Yes/No

User Actions Log Options (tab available for Super Users only)


  • Send notifications for User Actions Log. (Yes/No) If set to yes, the User will receive user actions log notification by email
  • Select events to be notified for. Select the user actions log notifications to be sent by email.

W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) Login

This tab is only present when the site is accessed using https. To set up passwordless login you need a hardware device, available from Amazon and similar outlets for about £15, or a device with fingerprint or face recognition or similar biometric software. You may add more than one authenticator. Once set up, you can login by clicking the Web Authentication button in the Login form and then pressing the button on the device when prompted.

This tab is present but cannot be used in the User edit form because passwordless login can only be set up by the individual user via the Edit Profile form.

Joomla API Token

This tab is used to manage the security tokens used for authenticating to the Joomla API application (remote access to your site). If you are not sure what this does chances are you don't need it and can safely ignore these settings.

The token is only visible for your own account.

Multi-factor Authentication

This tab allows you to set one or more methods to allow access to your account after login with Username and Password. It is only present when editing your own profile. There are several methods available. If you lose access to one method for any reason you can choose another method from the post-login verification screen. The alternative mthods must have been set up in advance!

Backup Codes

This method generates a set of numbers that you can save or print. Each number can be used only once, so remember to amend your list after use.

Verification code

An extra form to fill out with alternative methods of setting up the code. Have a look and click the Cancel button if you decide not to proceed.

Yubi Key

This is for another type of hardware key that provides a code on a screen display. Have a look and select Cancel if you decide not to proceed.

Web Authentication

For a hardware device with a button to press. Have a look and select Cancel if you decide not to proceed. Note that this method will be bypassed if you use the separate WebAuthn Login method.

Code by Email

With this method a code is sent to your email address. You will be prompted to enter that code to gain site access. It is a one-time code. A new one is sent for every login. Have a look and select Cancel if you decide not to proceed.


At the top of the page you will see the toolbar shown in the Screenshot above. The functions are:

  • Save. Saves the item and stays in the current screen.
  • Save & Close. Saves the item and closes the current screen.
  • Save & New. Saves the item and keeps the editing screen open and ready to create another item.
  • Cancel. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made. Or
  • Close. Closes the current screen and returns to the previous screen without saving any modifications you may have made. This toolbar icon is not shown if you are creating a new item.
  • Activate & Send Email. Activate the user and send an email notifying that their account has been activated. -OR-
  • Send Activation Reminder. An email will be sent to the user notifying that their account has been activated
  • Help. Opens this help screen.

Quick tips

  • Name, Login Name, and Email are required.
  • If you did not fill in a particular language, editor, help site and/or time zone, the default settings from the Global Configuration, Language Manager and/or Template Manager are set.

Related information