
How to create a custom button

From Joomla! Documentation

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The scripts below are used for using the back end toolbar when developing components or modules.

Put this script on your component or module code to make a custom button:

JToolBarHelper::custom("task", "icon", "icon over", "alt", boolean, boolean);

For a back button you can use this one:


Calcel button:


Apply button:


Upload Button[edit]

You can put upload button in two ways:

  • First:
                // Add an upload button and view a popup screen large 550 and height 400
                $alt = "Upload";
                $bar=& JToolBar::getInstance("toolbar");
                $bar->appendButton( "Popup", "upload", $alt, "index.php", 550, 400 );
  • Second:
                // You view button for popup media manager tools