
Customising the JA Purity template/customisations/Enabling RTL in the horizontal menu

From Joomla! Documentation

< J1.5:Customising the JA Purity template‎ | customisations
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The original JA Purity template was provided from JoomlArt.com as a zip but the latest files have been installed along with Joomla. The relevant files, templateDetails.xml and ja-sosdmenu-rtl.css, can be found in templates/ja_purity. If you've been following the tutorial, you can download a tutorial version of the template that installs to the templates/my_japurity folder. Inside the folder of the template, the files are located as follows:

    <location of template

Note: The css file isn't installed as of version 1.5.11. You'll need to add this file to the site using the code below.

2 modifications need to be made to index.php

  1. should be at top of your template index.php after the doc type
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" lang="<?php echo $this->language; ?>" dir="<?php echo $this->direction; ?>" >

second modification to index.php

  1. Modify index.php starting at line XXX
<!-- Added right to left check -->
<?php if ($this->countModules('hornav')): ?>
 <?php if ($tmpTools->getParam('horNavType') == 'css'): ?>
  <?php  if($this->direction == 'rtl') : ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl(); ?>/css/ja-sosdmenu-rtl.css" type="text/css" />
  <?php else: ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl(); ?>/css/ja-sosdmenu.css" type="text/css" />
  <?php endif; ?>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl(); ?>/js/ja.cssmenu.js"></script>
 <?php else: ?>
  <?php  if($this->direction == 'rtl') : ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl(); ?>/css/ja-sosdmenu-rtl.css" type="text/css" />
  <?php else: ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl(); ?>/css/ja-sosdmenu.css" type="text/css" />
  <?php endif; ?>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl(); ?>/js/ja.moomenu.js"></script>
 <?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
  1. Change the ja-sosdmenu-rtl.css file to look like the following:
/* Son of Suckerfish Dropdowns
Originally developed by Patrick Griffiths and Dan Webb
NOTE: After a deep research, we decide to divide this
CSS into 2 parts. The first part will define the layout.
The second part will define the visual look for this menu.

#ja-mainnav {
	margin: 0; /* all lists */
	padding: 0;
	float: none;
	text-align: right;
	border-left: 1px solid #555555;

#ja-mainnav ul {
	text-align: right;
		margin: 0; /* all lists */
	padding: 0;

#ja-mainnav li ul {
	float: right;
#ja-mainnav li {
	margin: 0; /* all list items */
	padding: 0;
	float: right;
	display: block;
	background: none;
	cursor: pointer;
	position: relative;

#ja-mainnav li ul {
	width: 16.4em;
	position: absolute; /* second-level lists */
	z-index: 99;
	top: -999em; /* using left instead of display to hide menus because display: none isn't read by screen readers */
	height: auto;
	w\idth: 15.9em;
	right: 0;

#ja-mainnav li ul ul {
	margin: -1.5em 0 0 14em; /* third-and-above-level lists */

#ja-mainnav li li {
	padding: 0 1em 0 0;
	margin: 0;
	width: 14.9em;

#ja-mainnav ul a {
	width: 14.8em;
	w\idth: 10.8em;

#ja-mainnav li:hover ul ul, #ja-mainnav li:hover ul ul ul,
#ja-mainnav li.sfhover ul ul, #ja-mainnav li.havechildsfhover ul ul, #ja-mainnav li.havechild-activesfhover ul ul, #ja-mainnav li.activesfhover ul ul,
#ja-mainnav li.sfhover ul ul ul, #ja-mainnav li.havechildsfhover ul ul ul, #ja-mainnav li.havechild-activesfhover ul ul ul, #ja-mainnav li.activesfhover ul ul ul {
	top: -999em;

/* This "unhides" the sub-menus (left: -999em is what hides them) */
#ja-mainnav li:hover ul, #ja-mainnav li li:hover ul, #ja-mainnav li li li:hover ul,
#ja-mainnav li.sfhover ul, #ja-mainnav li.havechildsfhover ul, #ja-mainnav li.havechild-activesfhover ul, #ja-mainnav li.activesfhover ul,
#ja-mainnav li li.sfhover ul, #ja-mainnav li li.havesubchildsfhover ul, #ja-mainnav li li.havesubchild-activesfhover ul, #ja-mainnav li li.activesfhover ul,
#ja-mainnav li li li.sfhover ul, #ja-mainnav li li li.havesubchildsfhover ul, #ja-mainnav li li li.havesubchild-activesfhover ul, #ja-mainnav li li li.activesfhover ul {
	top: auto;

/* 1st level */
#ja-mainnav li a {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 10px 20px;
	border-right: 1px solid #555555;
	border-left: 1px solid #333333;
	display: block;
	color: #CCCCCC;
	font-weight: bold;
	line-height: normal;
	text-decoration: none;

#ja-mainnav li a:hover,
#ja-mainnav li a:active,
#ja-mainnav li a:focus {
	background: url(../../images/arrow2.png) no-repeat bottom center #555555;
	color: #FFFFFF;

#ja-mainnav li {
	margin: 0;

#ja-mainnav li:hover,
#ja-mainnav li.sfhover,
#ja-mainnav li.havechildsfhover,
#ja-mainnav li.havechild-activesfhover {
	background: url(../../images/arrow2.png) no-repeat bottom center #555555;
	color: #FFFFFF;

#ja-mainnav li a.active,
#ja-mainnav li a.active:hover,
#ja-mainnav li a.active:active,
#ja-mainnav li a.active:focus {
	background: url(../../images/arrow2.png) no-repeat bottom center #333333;
	color: #FFFFFF;

/* 2nd level and above */
#ja-mainnav li ul {
	border: 1px solid #555555;
	background: url(../../images/opaque.png);

#ja-mainnav li ul li {
	border-top: 1px solid #777777;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #444444;
	background: none;

#ja-mainnav li ul a {
	border-left: none;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 7px 10px;
	background: none;
	color: #CCCCCC;
	font-weight: normal;
	line-height: normal;
	text-transform: none;

#ja-mainnav li.havesubchild,
#ja-mainnav li.havesubchild-active {
	background: url(../../images/bullet2.gif) no-repeat 94% 50%;

#ja-mainnav li ul a:hover,
#ja-mainnav li ul a:active,
#ja-mainnav li ul a:focus,
#ja-mainnav ul li:hover,
#ja-mainnav ul li.sfhover,
#ja-mainnav ul li.havesubchildsfhover,
#ja-mainnav ul li.havesubchild-activesfhover,
#ja-mainnav ul ul li:hover,
#ja-mainnav ul ul li.sfhover,
#ja-mainnav ul ul li.havesubchildsfhover,
#ja-mainnav ul ul li.havesubchild-activesfhover {
	background: #333333;
	color: #CCCCCC;

#ja-mainnav ul li a.active,
#ja-mainnav ul li a.active:hover,
#ja-mainnav ul li a.active:active,
#ja-mainnav ul li a.active:focus {
	background: none !important;
	color: #FFFFFF;
	font-weight: bold;

Here's the result...

JA Purity Tutorial Right2LeftMenu.png