J1.5 talk

Using the JTable class

From Joomla! Documentation

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"backup" of Member Functions section

=== getInstance ===
=== getDBO ===
=== setDBO ===
=== getTableName ===
=== getKeyName ===
=== reset ===
=== bind ===
=== load ===
=== check ===
=== store ===
=== move ===
=== getNextOrder ===
=== reorder ===
=== canDelete ===
=== delete ===
=== checkout ===
=== checkin ===
=== hit ===
=== isCheckedOut ===
=== save ===
=== publish ===
=== toXML ===
=== addIncludePath ===

--CirTap 07:33, 20 January 2008 (EST)