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===the fr-FR.localise.php===
===the fr-FR.localise.php===
(This is normally in the site pack. Add in admin pack if the pack does only provide admin language)
(This is normally in the site pack. Add in admin pack if the pack does only provide admin language. Add in both when providing a full pack to cope with user deleting one of the packs)
Explanation of this file:
Explanation of this file:

Revision as of 13:22, 21 March 2011

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This is a Tutorial explaining how to create your language packs in 1.6.

fr-FR is taken as an example of language prefix.

1. In the case of a FULL pack, the package is composed of 3 files, then zipped.


2. In the case of a site or administrator only pack, 2 files.

pkg_site_fr-FR.xml OR pkg_admin_fr-FR.xml OR

3. Naming of the pack if only site pack, if only administrator pack.

4. If one separates the site and admin packs then the pkg_ name should be different, i.e for example: pkg_site_fr-FR.xml and pkg_admin_fr-FR.xml. In this case beware of the <packagename> tag.

Also, each pack should include a fr-FR.lib_joomla.ini and a fr-FR.localise.php to cope for deletion of site or admin pack by the user.

A pkg_fr-FR.xml file[edit]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<extension type="package" version="1.6">
<name>French Language Pack</name>
<packagename>fr-FR</packagename>  //the packagename has to be the same as the name of pkg_whatever.xml
<description>1.6 Joomla French Language Package</description>
	<file type="language" client="site" id="fr-FR"></file>
	<file type="language" client="administrator" id="fr-FR"></file>

One zip per client (i.e. site and admin)[edit]

Content of the client's zip (example below is for admin)

an install.xml[edit]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<extension version="1.6" client="administrator" type="language" method="upgrade"> // change to client="site" if site pack
    <name>French (Fr)</name>
    <author>French translation team : Joomla!fr</author>
    <copyright>Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 et Open Source Matters. Tous droits réservés</copyright>
    <license>GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt</license>
    <description>French language pack for Joomla! 1.6</description>
		<filename> .....ini</filename>
                <filename>fr-FR.lib_joomla.ini</filename> // Normally in administrator pack. !! If this is only a site pack then add in site !! Add in both if providing both packs together in one package
		<filename file="meta">fr-FR.xml</filename> // Note the file="meta" tag, telling it's the basic xml holding info about the pack. Note file="meta"
                <filename file="meta">install.xml</filename> '''//Mandatory! This file lets uninstall a language.''' Note file="meta"
		<filename>fr-FR.localise.php</filename> // normally in the site pack. If the language has only an admin pack, put in the admin pack. Add in both if providing both packs together in one package.
	<media destination="fr-FR"> //if one needs to add a specific calendar

All the ini files[edit]

Beware of new formatting!

Double quotes in the value should be written as "_QQ_" or as &quot;

NEVER use an escaped quote \" as these will break in php 5.2.x

the fr-FR.xml[edit]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<metafile version="1.6" client="administrator" method="upgrade" >
	<name>French (FR)</name>
	<description>French administrator language for Joomla 1.6</description>
        <author>French translation team : Joomla!fr</author>
        <copyright>Copyright (C) 2005 - 2011 Open Source Matters &amp; All rights reserved.</copyright>
        <license>GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt</license>
		<name>French (FR)</name>
                <locale>fr_FR.utf8, fr_FR.UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8@euro, French_Standard,french, fr_FR, fre_FR, fr</locale> //the locale is used to sort translated lists when present on the server.
                <firstDay>1</firstDay>  // used for the Calendar icon to specify what is the first day of the week in that language. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.
	<params />

the fr-FR.localise.php[edit]

(This is normally in the site pack. Add in admin pack if the pack does only provide admin language. Add in both when providing a full pack to cope with user deleting one of the packs)

Explanation of this file:

It replaces the fr-FR.ignore.php and it can be customized depending on languages.

  • Ignore search words.
  • Define upper and lower limit of search words length.
  • Define number of characters to display for the result of the search.
  • Define specific plural functionality for some languages where the value of the string can change depending on the count (Russian for example).
  • Define custom transliteration (i.e. when NOT using the Unicode URLS parameter in Global Configuration) to ensure proper change of some alphabets to ascii for the alias used when SEF is on. (The transliteration which is now default in 1.6 should take care of all latin-based languages.)
  • Define a custom calendar by adding a function as well as some js files

Example of a basic fr-FR.localise.php (where custom transliteration is NOT implemented)

 * @version		$Id: fr-FR.localise.php 15628 2010-03-27 05:20:29Z infograf768 $
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license		GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

 * fr-FR localise class
 * @package		Joomla.Site
 * @since		1.6
abstract class fr_FRLocalise {    //// !!!! NOTE the use of fr_FR for the class !!!// do the same for your language prefix.
	 * Returns the potential suffixes for a specific number of items
	 * @param	int $count  The number of items.
	 * @return	array  An array of potential suffixes.
	 * @since	1.6
	public static function getPluralSuffixes($count) {
		if ($count == 0) {
			$return =  array('0');
		elseif($count == 1) {
			$return =  array('1');
		else {
			$return = array('MORE');  // Beware, this will be added to a language KEY. It should be in ascii and Uppercase.
		return $return;
	 * Returns the ignored search words
	 * @return	array  An array of ignored search words.
	 * @since	1.6
	public static function getIgnoredSearchWords() {
		$search_ignore = array();
		$search_ignore[] = "et";
		$search_ignore[] = "si";
		$search_ignore[] = "ou";
		return $search_ignore;
	 * Returns the lower length limit of search words
	 * @return	integer  The lower length limit of search words.
	 * @since	1.6
	public static function getLowerLimitSearchWord() {
		return 3;
	 * Returns the upper length limit of search words
	 * @return	integer  The upper length limit of search words.
	 * @since	1.6
	public static function getUpperLimitSearchWord() {
		return 20;
	 * Returns the number of chars to display when searching
	 * @return	integer  The number of chars to display when searching.
	 * @since	1.6
	public static function getSearchDisplayedCharactersNumber() {
		return 200;

Example of the function to add when custom transliteration is desired

	 * This method processes a string and replaces all accented UTF-8 characters by unaccented
	 * ASCII-7 "equivalents"
	 * @param	string	$string	The string to transliterate
	 * @return	string	The transliteration of the string
	 * @since	1.6
	public static function transliterate($string)
		$str = JString::strtolower($string);

		//Specific language transliteration.
		//This one is for latin 1, latin supplement , extended A, Cyrillic, Greek

		$glyph_array = array(
		'a'		=>	'à,á,â,ã,ä,å,ā,ă,ą,ḁ,α,ά',
		'ae'	=>	'æ',
		'b'		=>	'β,б',
		'c'		=>	'ç,ć,ĉ,ċ,č,ч,ћ,ц',
		'ch'	=>	'ч',
		'd'		=>	'ď,đ,Ð,д,ђ,δ,ð',
		'dz'	=>	'џ',
		'e'		=>	'è,é,ê,ë,ē,ĕ,ė,ę,ě,э,ε,έ',
		'f'		=>	'ƒ,ф',
		'g'		=>	'ğ,ĝ,ğ,ġ,ģ,г,γ',
		'h'		=>	'ĥ,ħ,Ħ,х',
		'i'		=>	'ì,í,î,ï,ı,ĩ,ī,ĭ,į,и,й,ъ,ы,ь,η,ή',
		'ij'	=>	'ij',
		'j'		=>	'ĵ',
		'ja'	=>	'я',
		'ju'	=>	'яю',
		'k'		=>	'ķ,ĸ,κ',
		'l'		=>	'ĺ,ļ,ľ,ŀ,ł,л,λ',
		'lj'	=>	'љ',
		'm'		=>	'μ',
		'n'		=>	'ñ,ņ,ň,ʼn,ŋ,н,ν',
		'nj'	=>	'њ',
		'o'		=>	'ò,ó,ô,õ,ø,ō,ŏ,ő,ο,ό,ω,ώ',
		'oe'	=>	'œ,ö',
		'p'		=>	'п,π',
		'ph'	=>	'φ',
		'ps'	=>	'ψ',
		'r'		=>	'ŕ,ŗ,ř,р,ρ,σ,ς',
		's'		=>	'ş,ś,ŝ,ş,š,с',
		'ss'	=>	'ß,ſ',
		'sh'	=>	'ш',
		'shch'	=>	'щ',
		't'		=>	'ţ,ť,ŧ,τ',
		'th'	=>	'θ',
		'u'		=>	'ù,ú,û,ü,ũ,ū,ŭ,ů,ű,ų,у',
		'v'		=>	'в',
		'w'		=>	'ŵ',
		'x'		=>	'χ,ξ',
		'y'		=>	'ý,þ,ÿ,ŷ',
		'z'		=>	'ź,ż,ž,з,ж,ζ'

		foreach( $glyph_array as $letter => $glyphs ) {
			$glyphs = explode( ',', $glyphs );
			$str = str_replace( $glyphs, $letter, $str );

		return $str;

Here is an example of a function to add in the localise.php file in order to implement a custom calendar for fa-IR (Persian language)

 * fa-IR Date class
 * @package		Joomla.Site
 * @since		1.6
class fa_IRDate extends JDate {
	const DAY_NUMBER	= "\x027\x03";
	const DAY_NUMBER2	= "\x030\x03";
	const DAY_YEAR		= "\x032\x03";
	const MONTH_ABBR	= "\x033\x03";
	const MONTH_NAME	= "\x034\x03";
	const MONTH_NUMBER	= "\x035\x03";
	const MONTH_NUMBER2	= "\x036\x03";
	const MONTH_LENGTH	= "\x037\x03";
	const YEAR_ABBR		= "\x040\x03";
	const YEAR_NAME		= "\x041\x03";
	const AM_LOWER		= "\x042\x03";
	const AM_UPPER		= "\x043\x03";
	const PERSIAN_EPOCH	= 1948320.5;

	protected static $month_names	= array("فروردين","ارديبهشت","خرداد","تیر","مرداد","شهریور","مهر","آبان","آذر","دی","بهمن","اسفند");

	 * Gets the date as a formatted string.
	 * @param	string	The date format specification string (see {@link PHP_MANUAL#date})
	 * @param	boolean	True to return the date string in the local time zone, false to return it in GMT.
	 * @return	string	The date string in the french republican calendar (see @link{}).
	 * @since	1.6
	public function calendar($format, $local = false)
		// Do string replacements for date format options that can be translated.
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])d/', "\\1".self::DAY_NUMBER2, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])j/', "\\1".self::DAY_NUMBER, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])z/', "\\1".self::DAY_YEAR, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])M/', "\\1".self::MONTH_ABBR, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])F/', "\\1".self::MONTH_NAME, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])n/', "\\1".self::MONTH_NUMBER, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])m/', "\\1".self::MONTH_NUMBER2, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])t/', "\\1".self::MONTH_LENGTH, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])y/', "\\1".self::YEAR_ABBR, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])Y/', "\\1".self::YEAR_NAME, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])a/', "\\1".self::AM_LOWER, $format);
		$format = preg_replace('/(^|[^\\\])A/', "\\1".self::AM_UPPER, $format);

		// Format the date.
		$return = parent::calendar($format, $local);

		$jd = gregoriantojd($this->month, $this->day, $this->year);
		$jalaliDate = self::jd_to_persian($jd);
		$m = $jalaliDate['mon'];
		$d = $jalaliDate['day'];
		$y = $jalaliDate['year'];

		// Manually modify the strings in the formated time.
		if (strpos($return, self::DAY_NUMBER) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::DAY_NUMBER, $d , $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::DAY_NUMBER2) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::DAY_NUMBER2, sprintf("%02d",$d), $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::DAY_YEAR) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::DAY_YEAR, $jd - self::persian_to_jd(1,1,$y)+1, $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::MONTH_ABBR) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::MONTH_ABBR, self::$month_names[$m-1] , $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::MONTH_NAME) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::MONTH_NAME, self::$month_names[$m-1] , $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::MONTH_NUMBER) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::MONTH_NUMBER, $m , $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::MONTH_NUMBER2) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::MONTH_NUMBER2, sprintf("%02d", $m) , $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::MONTH_LENGTH) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::MONTH_LENGTH, $m < 7 ? 31 : $m < 12 ? 30 : self::leap_persian($y) ? 30 : 29 , $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::YEAR_ABBR) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::YEAR_ABBR, sprintf("%02d",$y % 100), $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::YEAR_NAME) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::YEAR_NAME, $y, $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::AM_LOWER) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::AM_LOWER, $this->format('a',$local)=='pm' ? 'ب ظ' : 'ق ظ', $return);
		if (strpos($return, self::AM_UPPER) !== false) {
			$return = str_replace(self::AM_UPPER, $this->format('a',$local)=='pm' ? 'ب ظ' : 'ق ظ', $return);

		return $return;
	public static function jd_to_persian($jd)


		//var $year, $month, $day, $depoch, $cycle, $cyear, $ycycle,

		//    $aux1, $aux2, $yday;

		$jd = floor($jd) + 0.5;

		$depoch = $jd - self::persian_to_jd(1, 1, 475);

		$cycle = floor($depoch / 1029983);

		$cyear = $depoch % 1029983;

		if ($cyear == 1029982) {

		    $ycycle = 2820;

		} else {

		    $aux1 = floor($cyear / 366);

		    $aux2 = $cyear % 366;

		    $ycycle = floor(((2134 * $aux1) + (2816 * $aux2) + 2815) / 1028522) +

		                $aux1 + 1;


		$year = $ycycle + (2820 * $cycle) + 474;

		if ($year <= 0) {



		$yday = ($jd - self::persian_to_jd(1, 1, $year)) + 1;

		$month = ($yday <= 186) ? ceil($yday / 31) : ceil(($yday - 6) / 30);

		$day = ($jd - self::persian_to_jd($month, 1, $year)) + 1;

		return array('year'=>$year, 'mon'=>$month,'day'=> $day);

	public static function persian_to_jd($month, $day, $year)


		//var $epbase, $epyear;

		$epbase = $year - (($year >= 0) ? 474 : 473);

		$epyear = 474 + $epbase % 2820;

		return $day +

		        (($month <= 7) ?

		            (($month - 1) * 31) :

		            ((($month - 1) * 30) + 6)

		        ) +

		        floor((($epyear * 682) - 110) / 2816) +

		        ($epyear - 1) * 365 +

		        floor($epbase / 2820) * 1029983 +



	public static function leap_persian($year) {

	    return (((((($year - (($year > 0) ? 474 : 473)) % 2820) + 474) + 38) * 682) % 2816) < 682;



One has also to add the right calendar.js files in the package.