Fatal error Class JClassLoader/en
From Joomla! Documentation
< J3.x:Fatal error Class JClassLoader
In Joomla 3.4.2 we change the way how our composer libraries get autoloaded.
Errors reported[edit]
If you try to move a website from Linux based Host to a Windows based host or if you have a CentOS Hoster you can run into the following error:
Fatal error: Class 'JClassLoader' not found in JROOT\libraries\cms.php on line 38
If you don't have a CentOS Hoster or move your installation von Linux to Windows you actually don't have any known Problems!
- On Windows (not case sensitive) that file gets replaced (all fine)
- On Linux (case sensitive) both files are still there and as the correct is in the Code we only use the working one. (all fine)
- On CentOS you maybe get on Updating a error that you have a name conflict.
- If you copy the files from the Linux Host to the Windows one maybe the wrong file gets removed.
See: https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/issues/7296 and https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/issues/7307
Versions affected[edit]
This pertains only to Joomla! version(s): 3.4.2
What is the cause[edit]
External and via composter loaded libraries like phpmailer will not be autoloaded.
How to fix[edit]
Apply the patch https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/7307.diff. This will be included in Joomla 3.4.3 that comes soon.