
Information about the Update to 3.6.3/fr

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Since the Security change in com_joomlaupdate with 3.6.2, it has been difficult to update to the last version. With 3.6.3, there is a fix in place that makes this easier.

Fix for that issue

Please use one of the following methods to update your version of Joomla!:

To update from 3.6.1 or earlier, you can use the updater as normal. You will get a screen (see below) where you will need to confirm your Superadmin login:

Com joomlaupdate relogin.JPG

old Version via Version final Version confirm user/pw
3.6.2 none 3.6.3 N
2.5.28 3.5.1 3.6.3 Y
3.x.x - 3.6.1 none 3.6.3 Y

Instructions per version

3.6.2    3.6.3

Update Path: 3.6.3
A normal update - no re-login required.

3.6.x/3.5.x < 3.6.2    3.6.3

Update Path: 3.6.3
To prevent the security issue fixed in 3.6.2, you will see the re-login screen once (see above).

3.4.x/3.3.x/3.2.x/3.1.x/3.0.x    3.6.3

Update Path: 3.6.3
To prevent the security issue fixed in 3.6.2, you will see the re-login screen (see image above), the control panel login and again the re-login screen (see image above). Because we need to destroy the session from an older security fix, you will need to re-login three times.

2.5.28    3.6.3

Update Path: 3.5.1    3.6.3
First you need to update to 3.5.1 - no special problems are known about this. Then update to 3.6.3 to prevent the security issue fixed in 3.6.2. You will see the re-login screen twice (see above). Because we need to destroy the session from an older security fix, you will need to re-login twice.