
Configurar un sitio multilingüe - Duplicar tu plantilla

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< J3.x:Setup a Multilingual Site
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Cómo configurar un sitio Joomla! multilingüe

Joomla! te permite crear fácilmente un sitio web multilingüe, sin necesidad de instalar ninguna extensión de terceros. En este tutorial, encontrarás una una completa guía de los pasos necesarios para crear un sitio Joomla! con soporte para múltiples idiomas.

Step 6 - Duplicate your template for each language

We’ll now assign a template copy for each language. In this tutorial, we need a copy of the default template for the English content and one for the French content. In this way, we can assign different menus depending on the selected language (but not only, it also allows you to have different settings and styles according to the language).

  • Navigate to Extensions  Templates.
  • Select your default template and click on the Duplicate button.
  • Edit the duplicated template and change the details according to the language. You can assign the language-specific menu and, depending of the template you’re using, you can assign a language to the override and much more.
  • Repeat the above steps for the 2nd language.
