Mise à jour de Joomla! (méthode d'installation)
From Joomla! Documentation
From Joomla 3.5 you can no longer use this to update Joomla, use Components Joomla! Update instead.
In some cases it may not be possible to use the Extension Manager: Update method to update your site. One reason for this might be that you are using a non-standard distribution (for example, a distribution with a different default language installed). Another reason might be that you don't have a reliable Internet connection to support automatic installation.
In this case, you can still do an easy installation using the Extension Manager: Install screen. Like the Update screen, this method will do the database updates automatically and will completely update your system without any further steps.
Étape 1 : assurez-vous d'avoir une sauvegarde de votre site actuel
Dans la plupart ces cas, votre hébergeur fait périodiquement des sauvegardes de votre site.
Étape 2 : localisez le fichier de mise à jour
Locate the required archive file (for example, .zip, .tag.gz, or tar.bz2 archive) for your version. If you are updating to an x.x.0 release (for example, from 1.7.3 to 2.5.0), this will normally be a file like Joomla_2.5.0-Stable-Update_Package.zip. If you are updating within the same release series (for example, 2.5.0 to 2.5.1), then the file will be named something like Joomla_2.5.0_to_2.5.1-Stable-Patch_Package.zip.
À ce stade, vous disposez de trois options :
- Installer depuis une adresse URL
- Installer depuis un dossier
- Archive à envoyer
Install from URL is the easiest to do. With this option, the upgrade archive is loaded directly by the server, so it works well even if your local computer has a slow or unreliable Internet connection.
Install from Directory is the safest method if the server itself has a slow Internet connection. With this method, you use FTP to load the unpacked update files into a temporary folder on the server. Then you point to that directory on the server for the installation.
Upload Package File is fairly simple, but it requires that you have a good connection between your local computer and the server.
The screen below shows the Extension Manager: Install screen with the three options labeled.
Installer depuis une adresse URL
This option is the easiest if the archive file is available on a Website.
- In the Extension Manager: Install screen, enter the URL for the archive file in the Install URL field.
- Cliquez sur le bouton Installer.
The system will work for a period of time - up to two minutes or more for a full version update. Then a message indicating a successful installation will display.
Installer depuis un dossier
This option requires that you unpack the archive file in a directory on your server. This is the best method if you have a slow Internet connection or you are experiencing timeouts during the update process.
- Unpack the archive file in a temporary directory on your local machine.
- Upload all the files in this directory (for example, using FTP) to a temporary directory that is visible to the Web server. For example, you can create a sub-directory under the tmp directory in your Joomla root. For this example, let's say the directory on the server is
). - In the Extension Manager: Install screen, enter the full path of the temporary directory (on the server) from step 2 (for example,
). - Cliquez sur le bouton Installer.
The system will work for a short time (perhaps a minute or less, depending on your server). Then a message indicating a successful installation will display.
Archive à envoyer
This option requires that you first download the archive file to your local machine.
- Téléchargez le fichier sur votre ordinateur.
- In the Extension Manager: Install screen, click the Browse button next to the Package File field and browse to the archive file.
- Cliquez sur le bouton Installer.
The system will work for a period of time - up to two minutes or more for a full version update. Then a message indicating a successful installation will display.
- Félicitations ! À ce stade, votre site est mis à jour.
Important: Clear your browser cache and check that your site is working correctly. See below Checking Your Site.