
Automated System Testing

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GSoC 2018
Automated System Testing for Joomla 4

Automated System Testing Package For Joomla[edit]


This article is regarding system test (codeception tests) for Joomla 4.


For Linux[edit]

  • Open a session and change to the document root of your local webserver.
$ cd /var/www/html/
  • Clone the current joomla repository into your webserver root folder
/var/www/html$ git clone git@github.com:joomla/joomla-cms.git
Clone into 'joomla-cms' ...

Are you new with github? Here you can find informations about setting it up: https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git/ If you get an error you can try git clone https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms.git instead of git clone git@github.com:joomla/joomla-cms.git

  • Change to the directory joomla-cms and make sure that you are on the 4.0-dev branch

Change to the directory:

/var/www/html$ cd joomla-cms

Make sure you are on the correct branch:

/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ git branch
* staging
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ git fetch origin 4.0-dev:4.0-dev
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ git checkout 4.0-dev
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ git branch
* 4.0-dev 
  • Your joomla-cms folder should contain this files:
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ ls
acceptance.suite.yml  cli                 Gemfile       jenkins-phpunit.xml  modules            RoboFile.php          web.config.txt
administrator         codeception.yml     htaccess.txt  karma.conf.js        package.json       robots.txt.dist
appveyor-phpunit.xml  components          images        language             phpunit.xml.dist   scss-lint.yml
build                 composer.json       includes      layouts              plugins            templates
build.js              composer.lock       index.php     libraries            README.md          tests
build.xml             dev                 installation  LICENSE.txt          README.txt         tmp
cache                 drone-package.json  Jenkinsfile   media                RoboFile.dist.ini  travisci-phpunit.xml
  • Optional: Have a look into composer.json for information what software you will install via composer.
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ cat composer.json

Read more about [how to install composer](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md) here.

  • Install via composer
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ composer install

Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file Package operations: 63 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals

- Installing behat/gherkin (v4.4.5): Downloading (100%)
- Installing sebastian/recursion-context (3.0.0): Downloading (100%)
- Installing joomla/test-system (dev-master ca3879f): Cloning ca3879f603
Generating optimized autoload files

Now you see this repo in the folder /var/www/html/joomla-cms/libraries/vendor/joomla/test-system

  • Optional: Prepare the database

If you use MySQL or PostgreSQL as database and your user has create database privileges the Database is automatically created by the Joomla installer. But the safest way is to create the database before running Joomla's web installer.

/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database test_joomla;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec)
mysql> quit;
  • Update the file acceptance.suite.yml to your needs.

Important are the options

- url in the section JoomlaBrowser and Helper\Acceptance,
- database name and
- database user.
- database password.
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ cat acceptance.suite.yml

class_name: AcceptanceTester modules:

       - Asserts
       - JoomlaBrowser
       - Helper\Acceptance
           url: 'http://localhost/joomla-cms/test-install'     # the url that points to the joomla installation at /tests/system/joomla-cms
           browser: chrome
           window_size: 1280x1024
           username: 'admin'                      # UserName for the Administrator
           password: 'admin'                      # Password for the Administrator
           database host: 'localhost'             # place where the Application is Hosted #server Address
           database user: 'root'                  # MySQL Server user ID, usually root
           database password: 'YOURDBPASSWORD'    # MySQL Server password, usually empty or root
           database name: 'test_joomla'           # DB Name, at the Server
           database type: 'mysqli'                # type in lowercase one of the options: MySQL\MySQLi\PDO
           database prefix: 'jos_'                # DB Prefix for tables
           install sample data: 'no'              # Do you want to Download the Sample Data Along with Joomla Installation, then keep it Yes
           sample data: 'Default English (GB) Sample Data'    # Default Sample Data
           admin email: 'admin@mydomain.com'      # email Id of the Admin
           language: 'English (United Kingdom)'   # Language in which you want the Application to be Installed
           url: 'http://localhost/joomla-cms/test-install' # the url that points to the joomla installation at /tests/system/joomla-cms - we need it twice here
           MicrosoftEdgeInsiders: false             # set this to true, if you are on Windows Insiders

error_level: "E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED"

  • Copy the file acceptance.suite.yml to this repo.

Currently we need the configuation file twice!

/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ cp acceptance.suite.yml ./libraries/vendor/joomla/test-system/src
  • Optional: Create and edit the file RoboFile.ini.
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ cat RoboFile.ini

If you want to setup your test website (document root) in a different folder, you can do that here.
You can also set an absolute path, i.e. /path/to/my/cms/folder

cmsPath = test-install

(Linux / Mac only) If you want to set a different owner for the CMS root folder, you can set it here.

localUser =

  • Optional: Set use owner of the project to your user.

Change the username/usergroup of the files by traveling the directories recursively. This is made possible by the ‘-R’ option.

/var/www/html/joomla-cms$sudo chown -R username:usergroup /var/www/html/joomla-cms

Running - Ready! Run the first tests[edit]

For Linux[edit]

  • Using Robo
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ libraries/vendor/bin/robo run:tests➜  Running tests
[Filesystem\DeleteDir] Deleted test-install...
[Filesystem\CopyDir] Copied from ./media to test-install/media
[Filesystem\CopyDir] Copied from ./nbproject to test-install/nbproject
[Filesystem\CopyDir] Copied from ./images to test-install/images
[Filesystem\CopyDir] Copied from ./libraries to test-install/libraries

Now a browser window opens and you can see the tests running in it.

If you get an error like this

/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ libraries/vendor/bin/robo run:tests

➜ Running tests

[Filesystem\CopyDir] Copied from ./media to test-install/media
[Filesystem\CopyDir] Copied from ./nbproject to test-install/nbproject
[Filesystem\CopyDir] Copied from ./images to test-install/images
[error]  Failed to copy "./libraries/vendor/consolidation/robo/scenarios/symfony2/tests" because file does not exist.

you have to delete two files:

/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ rm ./libraries/vendor/consolidation/robo/scenarios/symfony2/tests
/var/www/html/joomla-cms$ rm ./libraries/vendor/consolidation/robo/scenarios/symfony4/tests

The tests use Codeception Testing Framework, if you want to know more about the technology used for testing please check: [Testing Joomla Extensions with Codeception](https://docs.joomla.org/Testing_Joomla_Extensions_with_Codeception).

  • Using Codeception

1. Install a selenium-standalone-server using the following link : https://www.seleniumhq.org/download/. After downloading the file selenium-server-standalone-#.jar, run it using the command

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-#.jar

2. To run all the tests,

/var/www/html/joomlaMain$ ./libraries/vendor/bin/codecept run

3. To run individual tests. For example, you want to test MenuCest file in com_menu use the following command :

/var/www/html/joomlaMain$ ./libraries/vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance /administrator/components/com_menu/MenuCest