
Développement d'un composant MVC/Mise en place de la base de données

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Setting Up the Database

This article is part of the tutorial "Developing an MVC Component for Joomla 4.x". It is intended to be a follow-along programming tutorial, so if you have not read the previous parts of the tutorial you are encouraged to do so. Now we have finally arrived at the stage of development where we are going to create the database tables that our component will use to store and retrieve data. Depending on its purpose, your extension may not require database tables to operate, but given the sophistication level of component extensions this is unlikely.

Installation, uninstallation and version upgrades within a Joomla! component are handled using SQL scripts placed in the admin/sql folder of the component. An SQL script matches a specific database engine, for example install.mysql.utf8.sql will only be run if Joomla! is running on a MySQL database. At the time of writing, Joomla! 4 supports MySQL and PostgreSQL, and we recommend writing SQL scripts for both database types for maximum compatibility. However, for the purposes of this tutorial we will be focusing on MySQL-based scripts.

Let's go ahead and write the SQL scripts that will be needed to create a database table to hold customised greeting messages for our component. In later sections of the tutorial, we'll build a control panel to manage these messages.

Required Changes

We'll need to make files to install and uninstall the component, and one upgrade file. As our component is already installed, an upgrade file is needed to make the necessary changes.

1 Create: admin/sql/install.mysql.utf8.sql An SQL file that is run when the component is installed on a MySQL database
2 Create: admin/sql/uninstall.mysql.utf8.sql An SQL file that is run when the component is uninstalled on a MySQL database
3 Create: admin/sql/updates/mysql/0.0.7.sql An SQL file that is run when the component is updated to/beyond version 0.0.7 on a MySQL database
4 Update: helloworld.xml We'll need to add the new sql directory to our file copy list, and add instructions for Joomla! on where to find our scripts

File Details


This file will need to be updated whenever you make changes to your component's database schema. It is run on installation. Note that when you are creating tables, you prefix the name with #__. Joomla! will automatically replace this prefix with the system-configured database table prefix. You must ensure that your database names use this prefix whenever you are creating or updating them. Additionally, we highly recommend that you prefix all your table names, key names, etc with the name of your component (as seen here) to prevent any chance of collision between components on a Joomla! site.

Note also that we are using IF EXISTS checks on our DROP statements, and placing DROP statements before CREATE statements. While it may seem that the status of the database is predictable - there should be no existing table with that name before we create it - it is best to never assume that the previous install/uninstall operation completed cleanly and successfully. In the rare instance of such an error, our code will continue to function.

If this file were for a PostgreSQL database, it would be called install.postgresql.utf8.sql.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__helloworld_greetings`;

CREATE TABLE `#__helloworld_greetings` ( 
    `id` SERIAL NOT NULL, 
    `greeting` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, 
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) ENGINE = InnoDB; 

INSERT INTO `#__helloworld_greetings` (`greeting`) VALUES
    ('Hello World!'),
    ('Good bye World!');


This file must take every action required to remove this component's effect on the Joomla! database. In our case, it is currently very simple - if the greeting table exists, remove it.

If this file were for a PostgreSQL database, it would be called uninstall.postgresql.utf8.sql.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__helloworld_greetings`;


When you create a new version of your component that has matching database changes, those changes will need to go into database update files. The filename is simply the version number that requires the changes, and the files are grouped into folders according to the database engine they are intended to run on. When Joomla! upgrades a component, it will look for any upgrade files between the previously installed version number and the new version number, and run them in sequence.

In our case, as we did not have any database tables before our new 0.0.7 version, this file is identical to the install file.

If this file were for a PostgreSQL database, it would be named the same, but would be placed in admin/sql/updates/postgresql.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__helloworld_greetings`;

CREATE TABLE `#__helloworld_greetings` ( 
    `id` SERIAL NOT NULL, 
    `greeting` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, 
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) ENGINE = InnoDB; 

INSERT INTO `#__helloworld_greetings` (`greeting`) VALUES
    ('Hello World!'),
    ('Good bye World!');


In our updated manifest file, we need to tell Joomla! to copy our new admin/sql folder when installing/upgrading the component. We also need to tell it that our component now has database files, which ones to run on which action, and where to find them.

The three new elements, <install />, <uninstall /> and <update /> are fairly self-explanatory. While the structures are slightly different, each essentially consists of an action (the element), a database type (mysql/postgresql) and a file path. When you add PostgreSQL support to your component, you'll add an extra line in each element to direct Joomla! to the correct files.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension type="component" version="4.0" method="upgrade">

    <name>Hello World</name>
    <!-- The following elements are optional and free of formatting constraints -->
    <creationDate>December 2020</creationDate>
    <!-- Dummy author, feel free to replace anywhere you see it-->
    <author>John Smith</author>
    <copyright>John Smith</copyright>
    <license>GPL v3</license>
    <!--  The version string is recorded in the components table -->
    <!-- The description is optional and defaults to the name -->
        A hello world component!

    <!-- This is the PHP namespace under which the extension's
    code is organised. It should follow this format:

    "Vendor" can be your company or your own name
    The "ComponentName" section MUST match the name used 
    everywhere else for your component. Whatever the name of 
    this XML file is, the namespace must match (ignoring CamelCase). 
    <namespace path="src/">JohnSmith\Component\HelloWorld</namespace>

    <files folder="site/">

        <language tag="en-GB">site/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_helloworld.ini</language>

        <!-- The link that will appear in the Admin panel's "Components" menu -->
        <menu link="index.php?option=com_helloworld">Hello World</menu>
        <!-- List of files and folders to copy, and where to copy them -->
        <files folder="admin/">

            <language tag="en-GB">admin/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_helloworld.ini</language>
            <language tag="en-GB">admin/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_helloworld.sys.ini</language>

            <file driver="mysql" charset="utf8">sql/install.mysql.utf8.sql</file>
            <file driver="mysql" charset="utf8">sql/uninstall.mysql.utf8.sql</file>
            <schemapath type="mysql">sql/updates/mysql</schemapath>


Testing the Database Installation

As always, zip up your new component version and upload it into your Joomla! install's admin panel. It should give you a message that installation has been successful. Nothing is actually using the table just now, so use your preferred database client to connect into your Joomla! database and check that the new table exists.

Next, we'll start creating a back-end admin panel to create and manage our greeting records.