Local interwiki links
From Joomla! Documentation
Revision as of 05:13, 7 September 2022 by Franz.wohlkoenig (talk | contribs)
Local wiki templates • Local wiki extensions • Local interwiki links
An interwiki link is a kind of short-cut link that allows you to link to an external website (it doesn't have to be another wiki) using a simple syntax similar to an internal page link. The interwiki reference takes a single parameter and uses it to construct the full URL to the external site.
The following Joomla!-specific interwiki links are supported in this wiki.
Linking to a board in forum.joomla.org[edit]
To link to a specific forum board in forum.joomla.org you can use this syntax:
where ##### is replaced by the board number. For example, the Developer Documentation Forum is board number 303 and so can be linked to by inserting [[jforum:303]] into the wiki page. Just to prove it works, here it is: jforum:303. Piped links work too, so
[[jforum:303|Documentation - Feedback/Information/Suggestions]]
is rendered as: Documentation - Feedback/Information/Suggestions
Linking to a topic in forum.joomla.org[edit]
To link to a specific forum topic (thread) in forum.joomla.org you can use this syntax:
where ##### is replaced by the topic number. For example, the forum thread announcing the first Joomla! Doc Camp is topic number 248141 and so can be linked to by inserting [[jtopic:248141]] into the wiki page. Just to prove it works, here it is: jtopic:248141. Piped links work too, so
[[jtopic:248141|Joomla! Doc Camp]]
is rendered as: Joomla! Doc Camp
Linking to a tracker item in issues.joomla.org[edit]
To link to a specific tracker item (eg. a bug report) in issues.joomla.org you can use this syntax:
where ##### is replaced by the tracker ID number. For example, the tracker item "Issue with (Today) string" is tracker number 8867 and so can be linked to by inserting [[jtracker:8867]] into the wiki page. Just to prove it works, here it is: jtracker:8867. Piped links work too, so
[[jtracker:8867|Issue with (Today) string]]
is rendered as: Issue with (Today) string. Note that you will probably need to be logged into JoomlaCode for these links to work as expected.
Linking to PHP documentation[edit]
To link to a reference page on php.net you can use this syntax:
where xxxxxxxxx is replaced by a word, usually a PHP function name. For example, the reference page for the PHP strlen() function can be linked to by inserting [[php:strlen]] into the wiki page. Just to prove it works, here it is: php:strlen. Piped links work too, so
is rendered as: strlen().
Linking to Wikipedia[edit]
To link to a page on (english) wikipedia.org you can use this syntax:
where xxxxxxxxx is the target page name. For example, the Joomla! page can be linked to by inserting [[wikipedia:Joomla!]]. Just to prove it works, here it is: wikipedia:Joomla!. Piped links work too, so [[wikipedia:Joomla!|]] is rendered as: Joomla!. If you want to use a Wikipedia in another language you can use
so [[nl.wp:Joomla!|Joomla! in Dutch]] is rendered as: Joomla! in Dutch.