JDOC:Политика Wiki

From Joomla! Documentation

Revision as of 09:02, 7 September 2023 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
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Настоящая политика конфиденциальности распространяется на пользователей подготавливающих Wiki документацию на сайте "docs.joomla.org". Нарушение данной политики, может привести к изменению или удалению вашего вклада в проект. Мы оставляем за собой право банить пользователь этого сайта на определенный период времени или на неопределенный срок. Мы оставляем за собой право на изменение этой политики в любое время.

This terms of service document covers usage of the Joomla! Documentation Wiki at docs.joomla.org. The English version of this document is the authoritative version. Translated versions of this document are informative only.

Failure to abide by these terms of service may result in editing or removal of your contributions. We reserve the right to ban abusers from this site either for a specific time period or indefinitely. We reserve the right to change this terms of service at any time. A change of these terms of service will be posted by an announcement. Continued use of this website after a modification to our terms of service will constitute your acceptance of its changes.


  • Разрешается только один аккаунт на одного человека
  • При регистрации необходимо указать адрес электронной почты, это обязательное поле для регистрации
  • Вы должны подтвердить Ваш адрес электронной почты, без подтверждения, разрешение на изменения документации не дается. Если письмо с запросом на подтверждение не приходит, попробуйте поискать его в папке спам
  • Подтверждение почты требуется для исключения возможности регистрации спам-ботов.
  • Ваша учетная запись должна быть связана с действующим адресом электронной почты.
  • В данном проекте не разрешаются доменные имена.

By agreeing to our Terms of Service while creating your user account you acknowledge the following:

Storage of Personal Data

You will give the Joomla Project and Open Source Matters explicit consent to store your personal data. This data consists of:

Data Requirement Availability Reason
username required public attribution
real name optional public alternate attribution
email address required private confirmation user is human and not a bot

Tracking edits and uploads when performed by your user account will include the following. These logs are necessary to assist in spam prevention and to protect the intellectual property of Joomla's Documentation.

  1. your username (always)
  2. a date and time (always and available to the public)
  3. an ip address associated with your username (always and NOT publicly available)
  4. the interface used to perform the edit (always and NOT publicly available if available at all), example of content...
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.167 Safari/537.36
  5. various logs (always and include logs based on interactions) Examples are page history of page edits, upload log (files), page and file deletion logs (always and available to the public), abuse logs (accidentally tripping the spam filters and NOT publicly available), permission logs (upgrading, downgrading and always available to the public), etc.
  6. username permissions (always available to the public) needed to perform tasks such as creating, editing, uploading and moving content (retrieved on every interaction that requires a permission check to verify you are allowed to perform a function)

Personal Data Storage

Your user data is stored in a database with limited access to specific trusted administrators. Your data only interacts with the appropriate interfaces when necessary to perform tasks related to creating, editing, uploading and moving content, i.e. are you allowed.

Additional Agreements About a User Account

These additional conditions must be met and agreed on when creating an account.

  1. Agree to ONLY CREATE ONE account PER PERSON. (The exception is bot accounts. Bot accounts must be requested, approved, and are subject to the same explicit consent to store data about its owner.)
  2. When registering, a valid email address IS REQUIRED as this is an integral part of the registration process and confirms you are a real person, not a bot.
  3. You must confirm your email address or you will not have edit permissions. (Don't forget to check your junk mail folder if you haven't received a confirmation email.)
  4. Acknowledge all new wiki users are subject to spam filters to prevent spam bot accounts from registering and spamming our wiki.
  5. Your account must at all times be associated with a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS.
  6. Joomla! is about people; domain names in user names are NOT ALLOWED.
  7. Unused accounts (no edits) are SUBJECT TO REMOVAL. All stored personal data is removed. Please do not register unless you plan to contribute to Joomla Documentation.

All Pages

  • All contributions must be in English, it is the source language of our documentation. We have a translation project for other languages. If you wish to contribute to documentation in your language, please see information about our Documentation Translators.
  • All entries must be relevant to Joomla! The one exception is that you may include some background information on yourself and your interests on your personal User page.
  • When creating a new page choose an appropriate page title. Avoid non-alphanumeric characters (except spaces) in page titles.
  • Do not create useless pages; they will be deleted and may render you liable to being banned.
  • Do not link to any external site that is not relevant to the subject of the page. Such links will be deleted.
  • Do not link to external sites for more information when the information is needed in the page itself. Either write the page yourself or seek permission to include the article in the wiki, bearing in mind the licensing requirements.
  • Any material, including links, that could be considered self-promotional will be deleted. This rule is relaxed slightly for User Pages (see below).
  • Linking to extensions: If an extension (commercial or otherwise) is listed in the JED then the link from a documentation page must be to the approved JED listing only.
  • No commercial advertising is permitted.
  • When recommending an extension or other product to help a user solve their issue, you must disclose any affiliations you may have with the company or group that authors that particular product. This includes, but is not limited to: any paid or non-paid relationships past or present, receiving any promotional products or services, or any other similar information.
  • Any posts deemed to be self promotion, advertising, or spam can and will be removed. NO SPAM - NO ADVERTISING e.g. Posting and making excessive, inappropriate and unnecessary references to your products and websites is self promotion.
  • This is not the place to settle a commercial disagreement for custom development or to be a 'wall of shame'. Any pages created, edited or written in this nature will be removed.
  • Do not link to any site that contains adult content, sexually-oriented material or might otherwise be considered offensive. Not only will the link be deleted, but you will be banned as well.
  • No spam. Spammers will be banned. What is spam? Read this: Spamming
  • All contributions made on this wiki are covered by the Joomla! Electronic Documentation License.

User Pages

  • User pages are intended to allow you the opportunity to give a little background information about yourself. We reserve the right to edit, reduce, modify or delete content on User pages if we deem it to break any of these wiki terms of service rules.
  • One or two links to your home page will be permitted unless these are of an overtly commercial nature.
  • We reserve the right to delete all User pages in the future if they are being widely abused, or if similar features are made available on another website in the joomla.org domain.


Do not send email to another user via the wiki that could be considered abusive, threatening or spam. We will investigate all complaints and if upheld you will receive a permanent ban.