Javascript Working Group

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The Joomla! JavaScript Working Group falls under the responsibility of the Production Department, which oversees all aspects related to the code of all software lead by the Joomla! Project.

Please visit the Volunteers Portal to get an overview of the members of this team.


The purpose of the Joomla! JavaScript Working Group is to maintain and improve the current scripts and their tests, as well as seek for more performant, better supported, more appropriate third-party developed scripts to replace the legacy external scripts. Another responsibility of the group is to constantly observe the changes in the language (JavaScript that is) and try to form a reasonable path for the upgrades. JavaScript is very important as it’s the heart and soul of any interaction in the client side!


  • Team Lead, Assistant Team Lead These two members lead the team as defined in the bylaws. Their main obligation is to coordinate the team's activities and collaboration with other teams. They’re also involved in development.
  • Member Members of the Joomla! JavaScript Working Group are regularly contributing to various project’s repositories, and help the maintainers by reviewing relative pull requests.

Short Term Milestones (Joomla! 4)[edit]

  • Create a maintainers tool (based on NodeJS) for the maintenance of all the project static assets.
  • Replace legacy/outdated/not-well-supported external scripts with modern scripts that also provide enhanced functionality.
  • Remove inline scripts to get CSP strict mode.
  • Reduce (or even eliminate) jQuery usage.
  • Introduce and document a reasonable JavaScript API.
  • Create the common UI components (tabs, accordion, modal, dropdown) using custom elements (as a way to decouple Joomla from Bootstrap).
  • Help the GSoC students to achieve their goals.