
Sprint Policy

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What is a sprint?

A sprint is a dedicated session in which a group of volunteers come together at a single geographical location to work on a specific project for Joomla. Examples of sprint sessions could include UI/UX improvements, working on new features, or long term planning and architecture work. Typically, six to ten experienced individuals will be brought together for two or more days for these events.

Sprints are organised by members of the Joomla community under the guidance and stewardship of the Production Leadership Team (PLT). Funding is available to support these events through the Production Leadership Team budget and other sponsors.

Proposing a sprint[edit]

Who can propose a sprint?[edit]

Sprints may be proposed by anyone. The PLT will consider all proposals carefully and will contact the named sprint organiser with a decision. The PLT may contact the sprint organiser with further questions before coming to a final decision, especially if the initial proposal does not include full information.

Are sprints always about code?[edit]

No, although most probably will be. Other possibilities include planning, architecture and documentation, but the PLT is open to other suggestions too.

How should a sprint proposal be submitted?[edit]

Please submit sprint proposals using this form:

Joomla sprint application

What information is required for a sprint proposal?[edit]

A sprint proposal must include the following basic information:

  • Name and email address of the person who will be organising the sprint. This is the person we will contact with questions regarding the sprint proposal.
  • Name and email address of the person who will be leading the sprint (if different).
  • A description of the goals of the sprint. Goals are statements of purpose towards which efforts will be directed. They can be quite generic and do not need to be strictly measurable or tangible.
  • What are the objectives of the sprint. Objectives are specific tasks that are made to support the attainment of the goals and should be both measurable and tangible.

How much money is available?[edit]

The project has limited funds available for sprint events and we must spend the money wisely. There are no hard limits, but for guidance we expect most proposals to be in the range $6000 to $10000 (US dollars).

If you are able to get one or more sponsors on board then so much the better. Instead of a cash sum, you might consider asking for sponsors to cover venue or catering costs, for example.

How do I choose location?[edit]

The location should be chosen carefully as travel costs can significantly affect the total cost of the event. Minimising the number of long-distance attendees by holding the event on the most appropriate continent is a good start.

Choosing a location close to an international airport is usually a good idea, although venue costs are likely to be higher.

What additional information is needed?[edit]

A number of additional questions will also be asked, but answering these can be deferred to a later date if you do not have the answers available at the time of submission. Note, however, that a final decision cannot be made until almost all of this information is available.

  • Location.
  • How many people will be invited?
  • Who would you like to invite? The list does not need to be complete at this stage and we are aware that some people may drop out.
  • What is the anticipated total funding that you would like the PLT to provide?
  • What is the approximate cost of travel for all attendees?
  • What is the approximate cost of accommodation for all the attendees?
  • What is the approximate cost of the venue?
  • If the venue and accommodation are not close, how will attendees travel to and from the accommodation?
  • What is the approximate cost of meals and other incidental expenses for all attendees?
  • Are any sponsors contributing towards costs and if so, how much (for monetary sponsorships) or in what way (for non-monetary sponsorships such as “providing the venue free of charge”)?
  • Does the country where the sprint is to be held have any entry or visa restrictions? Are there any medical requirements, such as inoculations?

What are the acceptance criteria?[edit]

There are no hard and fast acceptance criteria for sprint proposals. The PLT will take the following into consideration when deciding which proposals to support and fund.

  • Are the sprint goals clearly described and do they fit in with the PLTs vision for the product concerned?
  • Are the objectives clearly articulated? Are they tangible and measurable?
  • Is the budget realistic and does it fit in with the PLTs sprint budget?

What if my proposal is rejected?[edit]

In the event that your proposal does not receive official approval and funding from the PLT, you are of course still free to organise the event, but you must realise that this is entirely at your own risk and will not be funded by the project.

After approval has been granted[edit]

Once the PLT has approved your event proposal, you will be contacted with the good news and you can then make the necessary bookings and other commitments required. You should ask your participants to make their travel arrangements as soon as possible, especially if this involves booking plane tickets, as ticket prices can rise dramatically as the date gets nearer.

Keeping the PLT informed[edit]

It is a requirement of being granted approval to hold the event that you keep the PLT informed of the on-going organisation of the sprint. The PLT will require a short report on progress once per month, but this need only be a sentence or two describing tasks completed and highlighting any issues to be resolved.

The PLT will create a shared Google Doc in which all information relating to the event should be recorded. In particular you should complete the table of participants and budgeted costs in as much detail as possible and keep it up-to-date as more accurate figures become available.

Keeping the participants informed[edit]

The sprint organiser is responsible for keeping participants informed of progress in organising the event. Please ensure that clear instructions are given to participants about when they can book travel, arrangements for claiming reimbursement and guidelines on what can or cannot be claimed. Also please ensure that clear instructions are given regarding how to get to and from the event location. Ideally, provide a contact telephone number that can be used to get local assistance for travel problems.

After the event[edit]

Post-event communications[edit]

The event organiser is expected to write an article describing the event and the outcomes achieved for the next suitable Joomla Magazine edition ( A PLT member will be available if you need assistance with this.

Report to the PLT[edit]

A final report to the PLT is required. This report should critically review the event, describing what worked well and what, if anything, did not work so well. The report should also consider the degree to which each of the objectives were achieved. A final cost should also be included where this is known. The PLT will use this report to help improve future sprints and to ensure that the most appropriate use is being made of limited funds.

How do I claim a reimbursement from the PLT?[edit]

Venue and accommodation expenses for all participants will normally be paid by the event organiser and reimbursement for these and any other expenses not incurred directly by individual attendees should be included in the event organiser's claim submission.

Participants other than the event organiser should submit an individual claim for the expenses that they have themselves incurred.

One claim per individual is preferred. Claims should normally be made in arrears of the expense being incurred, but if this would cause financial difficulties then please contact the PLT as we can probably assist you.

We will send you a link to the claim form once approval for the event has been granted.

All claims must be made in accordance with Finance Team policies. The PLT or the Finance Team are available to answer any questions you may have.

The sprint organiser must ensure that all participants are listed in the shared Google Doc. Reimbursements cannot be made to anyone who is not listed as a participant.