Joomla User Group Speakers

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This page is intended to be a list of people who are willing to speak at Joomla User Group meetings either in person or virtually.

If you are inviting a speaker who has to travel a significant distance, it is generally best practice to offer to cover some or all of their reasonable travel expenses - some speakers will decline, but it's polite to offer.

To add yourself to the list below, just create an account (top right of this page), then edit the page and add a new row. Be sure to leave a way for people to contact you.

Your name Your Locality Your country Topics you can speak on Areas you can visit / Can do online
Ruth Cheesley Ipswich, UK UK I can speak about Joomla, SEO, Web design/development, Running a business with Joomla, Open Source, Women in Tech - and more! Anywhere in UK, Other places possible subject to travel plans - can do online/skype/hangout
Jennifer Gress California USA Migration Local I can do live, otherwise, online is fine.
Ali Tavanayan Vancouver Canada e-commerce, Integration, Conversion Optimization, Site building and auditing, Run a web business I do talk locally, unless I am already traveling to your city! Doesn't hurt to ask, just let me know by email.
Lucas Radke (lucas @ Karlsruhe Germany Speed, Security, View from a mass Hoster Anywhere in Germany, East France or Mallorca in Spain, Other than that depending on my travel plans - can offer via skype or hangout
Eoin Oliver London, UK England Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing Happy to do a Skype or a Hangout, would consider traveling in the UK. May consider elsewhere if I was traveling already or it fits with my plans.
Patrick Jackson Melbourne (UTC+10) Australia Everything Joomla; Contributing to Joomla; SEO; Site Optimization Available for virtual presentations in most time zones.
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