Fichiers manifest

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≥ 2.5

Avec Joomla, toutes les extensions proposent des fichiers manifestes. Ces fichiers recouvrent les informations générales concernant l'installation, ainsi que des paramètres pour la configuration de l'extension elle-même. Depuis Joomla! 2.5, il existe très peu de différences entre les différents formats de fichiers manifestes en fonction des différents types d'extensions permettant ainsi à chaque type, de bénéficier de la puissance de l'installateur Joomla.

Les conventions de nommage

Le fichier doit être nommé manifest.xml ou <extension_name>.xml et situé dans le répertoire racine de l'installation du package.


L'élément racine

La balise principale du fichier d'installation est :


Ces balises ouvrantes et fermantes sont maintenant valables pour toutes les extensions. La nouvelle balise <extension> remplace les anciennes <install></install> depuis Joomla! 1.5. Les attributs suivants sont autorisés à l'intérieur de la balise :

Attribut Valeurs Applicable à Description
type component
Toutes les extensions Cet attribut décrit à l'installateur le type de l'extension. En fonction de ce type, d'autres d'exigences supplémentaires s'appliqueront aux sous-balises.
version 2.5
Toutes les extensions Chaîne de caractères qui identifie la version de Joomla! pour laquelle cette extension est développée.
method install
Toutes les extensions La valeur par défaut install sera également utilisée si l'attribut method n'est pas utilisé. La valeur install signifie que l'installateur va s'arrêter s'il trouve un fichier/dossier de la nouvelle extension.
client site
Modules L'attribut client permet de préciser pour quel type de client d'application le nouveau module est disponible.
group string Plugins Le nom du groupe indique pour quels groupes de plugins le nouveau plugin est disponible. Les groupes existants sont les noms de dossier du répertoire /plugins. Le programme d'installation va créer de nouveaux noms de dossier pour les noms de groupe qui n'existent pas encore.


The following elements can be used to insert metadata. None of these elements are required; if they are present, they must be a child of the root element.

<name> – raw component name (e.g. com_banners). 
<author> – author's name (e.g. Joomla! Project)
<creationDate> – date of creation or release (e.g. April 2006)
<copyright> – a copyright statement (e.g. (C) 2005 - 2011 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.)
<license> – a license statement (e.g. NU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt)
<authorEmail> – author's email address (e.g.
<authorUrl> – URL to the author's website (e.g.
<version> – the version number of the extension (e.g. 1.6.0)
<description> – the description of the component. This is a translatable field. (e.g. COM_BANNERS_XML_DESCRIPTION)

Note: The <name> and <description> tags are also translatable fields so that the name and description of the extension can be shown to the user in their native language.

Fichiers de frontend

	<files folder="from-folder">

Files to copy to the front-end directory should be placed in the <files> element. You can use the optional folder attribute to specify a directory in the ZIP package to copy from. Each file to copy must be represented by a <filename> element. If you want to copy an entire folder at once, you can define it as a <folder>.

Fichiers multimédias

	<media folder="media" destination="com_example">

This example will copy the file(s) (/media/com_example_logo.png) and folders ( /media/css/ and /media/js/ ) listed to /media/com_example/, creating the com_example folder if required. You can use the optional folder attribute to specify a directory in the ZIP package to copy from (in this case, media).

Extensions should be storing assets they need to be web accessible (JS, CSS, images etc) in media. Amongst other things this feature was added as step in the progression to multi-site support and the eventual move of code files (PHP) out of the web accessible areas of the server.


Section de l'administration

		<!-- various elements -->

The administration section is defined in the <administration> element. Since only components apply to both the site and the administrator, only component manifests can include this element.

Fichiers de backend

Files to copy to the back-end directory should be placed in the <files> element under the <administration>. You can use the optional folder attribute to specify a directory in the ZIP package to copy from. See Front-end files for further rules.

Liens de Menu et sous-menus

			Note that all & must be escaped to &amp; for the file to be valid
			XML and be parsed by the installer
		<menu link="anoption=avalue&amp;anoption1=avalue1">COM_EXAMPLE_SUBMENU_ANOPTION</menu>
		<menu view="viewname">COM_EXAMPLE_SUBMENU_VIEWNAME</menu>

The text for the main menu item for the component is defined in the <menu> item, a child of <administration>. A <submenu> element may also be present (also a child of <administration>), which may contain more menu items defined by <menu>.

Additionally, each <menu> item can define the following attributes:

Attribut Description
link A link to send the user to when the menu item is clicked
img The (relative) path to an image (16x16 pixels) to appear beside the menu item.

Must be an url compatible as a file too (e.g. no spaces) !

string An URL parameter to add to the link. For example, <menu view="cpanel">COM_EXAMPLE</menu> in com_example's XML manifest would cause the URL of the menu item to be index.php?option=com_example&view=cpanel.

The value inside the tag is the menu's label. Unlike Joomla! 1.5, you can not use a natural language string. For example, if you would enter "Example Component" instead of COM_EXAMPLE, it would result in your component name appearing as example-component in the menu and you would be unable to provide a translation. In order to provide a translation you need to create a file named en-GB.com_example.sys.ini in administrator/languages/en-GB (you can use the manifest's <languages> tag to copy it during installation) or in administrator/components/com_example/language/en-GB. In the latter case, you must not include the translation file in the <languages> tag. As long as you have placed the language directory in your <files> tag, it will be copied along when the component is being installed.

Le contenu de ce fichier devrait être :

COM_EXAMPLE="Example Component"

Please note that the language string must be enclosed in double quotes, as per Joomla!'s translation standards. Important note: Joomla! 1.6 and later sorts the Component menu items based on the actual translation of the key you supply in your XML manifest. This means that the sorting order is correct no matter what you call your translation key and no matter which language the site is being displayed in. Essentially, Joomla! 1.6 fixed the wrong sorting of the Components menu experienced under Joomla! 1.5 for the majority (non-English speaking!) of Joomla! users.


Stop hand nuvola.svg.png

Components do not support configuration definitions in the manifest. This is a way implemented in Joomla! 1.5. They can define configuration options for multiple levels using Component configuration metadata.

The <config> element, a child of the root, describes the configuration options for the extension. If applicable, the options will be shown by the appropriate Manager (Plugin Manager, Module Manager or Template Manager). Configuration options can also be defined in a separate file named config.xml. Its root element should be <config>.

Each fieldset must contain one or more <field> elements, each representing a single form field with a label. See Standard form field types for a list of allowed form field types and example XML form field definitions.


            <file driver="mysql" charset="utf8">sql/example.install.sql</file>
            <file driver="mysql" charset="utf8">sql/example.uninstall.sql</file>

In the above example, we put the SQL files in the admin/sql folder of the installation package. You have to include the sql folder in the administration files (as described in Back-end files).

You can execute SQL during the installation and/or uninstallation using the <install> and <uninstall> elements, respectively. A <sql> element should appear as a child of these elements. <sql> can contain any number of <file> elements, each defining a single SQL file to execute. Their database driver types are described by the driver attribute, their character sets by the charset attribute.

Update of the SQL schema

			<schemapath type="mysql">sql/updates/mysql</schemapath>
			<schemapath type="sqlsrv">sql/updates/sqlsrv</schemapath>

Since 1.6, there is also an <update> tag, which allows you to provide a series of SQL files to update the current schema.

Fichiers langue

In Joomla! 1.5, extension developers had to put extension language files in the Joomla! main language file, using the

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tag as shown below. This method can still be used in 2.5  3.x.

<!-- Joomla! 1.5 language tag -->
<languages folder="langfiles">
	<language tag="en-GB">en-GB.com_example.ini</language>

Since Joomla! 1.6 it has been encouraged placing your extension's language files in your extension folder. Joomla! will then automatically load your extension's language files.

By storing extension language files in the extension folder, you gain the benefit of isolating and protecting your extension's language files. For example, an administrator removes a language from their Joomla! installation. Your extension's language files will not be removed. They will remain in place and will be available if the language is installed again.

The structure of the language folder for frontend and backend is the same. You put them in the language tag (e.g. en-GB ) of each language in your language folder i.e. language/en-GB/. You have to specify those folders in the front-end and back-end files too.

In your manifest you simply include the 'language' folder in your files section, the sub-directories for each language automatically be copied. Inside the <files> group you simply add a <folder> element alongside the items in the <files> group as shown in this example:

	<filename plugin="alpha">alpha.php</filename>

It is also notable that both ways can work together. Here is an example from core:

	<filename plugin="languagecode">languagecode.php</filename>
	<language tag="en-GB">language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_languagecode.ini</language>
	<language tag="en-GB">language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_languagecode.sys.ini</language>

Les avantages pour cette solution sont les suivants :

All ini files present in the core folder have precedence over the files in the extension language/ folder. For example a sys.ini file will always be loaded from core folders in back-end if it exists, except when installing an extension which contains a sys.ini file in a language folder. In that case and only that case, the sys.ini file in the extension folder will display its translated content at install time. This is very handy as a developer can have 2 sys.ini files with different contents. A description of the successful install as well as a tutorial in back-end for example.

Also, it is much easier for a user needing an ini file for an extension that does not provide it in the language desired, to add it in the main folders. No risk for it to be deleted in case of uninstalling the extension by mistake or any other reason.

See also:

During development you can turn on language debugging in the Joomla! global configuration. So you can investigate if a problems arises. As of 3.2, this is necessary to help debug as en-GB is always loaded first when not in debug mode to prevent displaying Constants.

Fichier de script


An optional script file (PHP code that is run before, during and/or after installation, uninstallation and upgrading) can be defined using a <scriptfile> element. This file should contain a class named "<element_name>InstallerScript" where <element_name> is the name of your extension (e.g. com_componentname, mod_modulename, etc.). Plugins requires to state the group (e.g. plgsystempluginname). Library packages do not support scriptfiles. The structure of the class is as follows:

class com_componentnameInstallerScript
	 * Constructor
	 * @param   JAdapterInstance  $adapter  The object responsible for running this script
	public function __construct(JAdapterInstance $adapter);
	 * Called before any type of action
	 * @param   string  $route  Which action is happening (install|uninstall|discover_install|update)
	 * @param   JAdapterInstance  $adapter  The object responsible for running this script
	 * @return  boolean  True on success
	public function preflight($route, JAdapterInstance $adapter);
	 * Called after any type of action
	 * @param   string  $route  Which action is happening (install|uninstall|discover_install|update)
	 * @param   JAdapterInstance  $adapter  The object responsible for running this script
	 * @return  boolean  True on success
	public function postflight($route, JAdapterInstance $adapter);
	 * Called on installation
	 * @param   JAdapterInstance  $adapter  The object responsible for running this script
	 * @return  boolean  True on success
	public function install(JAdapterInstance $adapter);
	 * Called on update
	 * @param   JAdapterInstance  $adapter  The object responsible for running this script
	 * @return  boolean  True on success
	public function update(JAdapterInstance $adapter);
	 * Called on uninstallation
	 * @param   JAdapterInstance  $adapter  The object responsible for running this script
	public function uninstall(JAdapterInstance $adapter);

Serveurs de mise à jour

        <server type="extension" priority="1" name="Extension Update Site"></server>
        <server type="collection" priority="2" name="Collection Update Site"></server>

Update servers can be defined in the <updateservers> element, a child of the root. This element may contain one or more <server> element, each describing a location to fetch updates from. Each <server> item can define the following attributes:

Attribut Valeurs Description
type extension
Le type de serveur de mise à jour.
priority integer La priorité du serveur de mise à jour.
name string Le nom du serveur de mise à jour.

More info:


For a real-life example, see the manifest of the Banner component in the latest version of Joomla! 2.5.

The Joomla testing process uses several extensions to test whether the installer works correctly. The latest versions of the manifests of these extensions are:
